Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Sugar High Anyone?

Chapter Eleven: Sugar High Anyone?

It was a Friday, I just got paid, and I was off. What else better to do than shop? I was at the mall alone, wandering around in and out of stores. I wasn’t alone for long though. I was eventually joined by Sonny, Travis, and Derek.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“The sky,” Sonny said.

I rolled my eyes. “How’s the band coming?”

“For someone who doesn’t want to be in it, you sure ask about it an awful lot,” Travis said.

“Jesus, I was just wondering,” I rolled my eyes again.

“So, where’s Mattius Goodius?” Derek asked.

“Working. Just don’t bother him,” I said. “He works really well if he’s not
bothered by friends.”

“Well, there’s no stopping Sonny.”

I looked and Sonny was already heading for Hot Topic. I sighed, and headed that way too. Sonny wasted no time in attacking Matt, and nearly knocking over one of the glass cases filled with body jewelry.

“Guys! I may be off the clock, but don’t make a mess,” I said. “I have no problem with going into Spencers and doing the exact same thing.”

“Sorry, Lisa,” Matt said.

“I was talking to Sonny.”

“Matt, come on, we need another guitar player. Please?” Sonny was begging Matt again.

I sighed, and went to look at pants.

“I’ll think about it,” Matt said. “I have been playing guitar lately. I saved up money and bought one. Lisa? Come here,” he whined, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me towards him.

“Matt, get back to work,” I said.

“You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not on the clock.”

“I’m still your manager. I could just as easily get you reported.”

“Matt, keep thinking about it, okay. Come on guys. Let’s go to Spencers,” Sonny said, already running for the exit.

“Jesus he’s fucking hyper,” I said. “What did you feed him?”

“He had some coffee with breakfast, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, with a Mountain Dew, and some Skittles,” Travis said.

“Oh God. No more sugar for Sonny. He’s cut off,” I said, shaking my head. “Go after him so he doesn’t destroy anything. I’ll catch up.”

They headed out, and I turned back to Matt.

“Holding the fort down?” I asked.

“Yup. Steph comes in about twenty minutes. I’ve only been by myself for like a half hour.”

“I’ll stay until Steph comes. At least it’s not close to Christmas. Cause then it’d
be busy. Although, I don’t give out loner shifts around the holidays. There’s always at least four working from November until almost February,” I said as I looked around at the pants again.

“I’ll be right back,” Matt said, running for the back door.

I was checking out this one pair of pants when I heard the little ringer go off.

“Hi, can I help you?” I asked reflexively.

“You work here?” the guy asked.

“Yeah. Oh wait, I’m off today. Reflexes. Still, did you need help finding
something?” I asked.

“Nah. I’m just looking around.”

I looked at him again. He looked familiar, but I couldn’t place it. Then I remembered.

“Don’t I know you?” I asked.

“Actually, yes. I’m Gerard’s brother, Mikey.”

“I knew it. Didn’t you wear glasses?”

“I did. I had Lasik surgery.”

“Oh really? How’d that work out for you? Cause I’m considering it for myself.”

“It’s not bad. It feels really weird at first, but then you’re eyes get a little painful afterwards. I’ll suggest not to go on a sunny day. Get that day when it’s dark, and dreary, and depressing out.”

“Point noted. I’ll be right back.” I went to the back room myself. “Matt?”

“What?” His head came up from behind a couple boxes.

“What are you doing?”

“Restocking the Slipknot t-shirts. We’re running low. Why, are there customers?”

“No, just Gerard’s brother. You should really do restocking when there’s more than one person here, that’s how stuff gets stolen.”

“Oh. Sorry, Lis.”

“No harm, no foul. Get your ass back out there now,” I laughed.

I hung out for a while longer, then went to meet the other guys at Spencers. Only I kind of wished I didn’t go in there.

“Oh my God!” I said, covering my eyes.

What could Sonny be doing in Spencers??? Hmmm....Hehehe