Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Behind The Hazel Eyes.

Chapter Twelve: Behind The Hazel Eyes.

“Sonny, what the hell are you doing?” I asked. He ignored me, so I nudged Travis. “What the hell is he doing?”

“I have no clue.”

“Why the hell is Sonny running around with plastic boobs on?” Derek asked behind me. “And how is he getting away with it?”

“He works here remember?” I noted. “Gerard must be working too.”

Just then, Travis laughed. I went next to him and saw Gerard holding a video camera. I walked up to him and saw him filming.

“You didn’t dare him to do this, did you?” I asked.

“Nope. He just walked in and did it on his own.”

I sighed. “You people are nuts. I’m going home. Don’t destroy anything.”

I headed out and went home. I was at home for about an hour before I decided
to go to the park. I was swinging, minding my own business, then there was a voice behind me.

“What’s up?”

I turned and saw Frank.


“Anything new?”

“Nope. Work. Although I’m off today. I was there about an hour ago.”

“I’m like that too, even when I’m off, I gotta go visit.”

I laughed. “Well, Matt was working, so I wanted to see how he was doing on his own.”

“Ah. So how are you and him?”

“We’re good. He’s got a job, so he’s got something to focus on now.”

“That’s good.” He started pushing me on the swing. “I wanna tell you something.”

“Go ahead.”

“I don’t know you that well, but-and I don’t mean any offense-if things with him go bad, you can always call me.”

I turned to look at him. Oh those gorgeous hazel eyes. I smiled.

“Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind,” I said.

“So, what else do you like to do other than work?”

“I’m really into art and music. In the fall I’m starting at a community college, taking art classes, and a music class.”

“Aww, that’s really cool. I’m going into music too. I play guitar, and sing a little.”

“I sing.”

“Awesome. Sing something.”

“Maybe another time. I sing, but I don’t really like to in front of others. I’m trying to
get over it and get into a music career. If it doesn’t work out though, I can call back on my

“I’ve seen your stuff in the school’s art shows. You’re really good.”

“Thanks.” I smiled. “Sonny wants me to get in his band, he’s been asking me since we were sophomores. He wants Matt and I, because Matt plays a little guitar too.”

“Cool. You and him have been together for a while then?”

“We were best friends as kids. I still remember, we were ten when we shared our first kiss. It was actually really funny, because we were talking about how weird the adults were, and kissing was brought up. Then right before we started eighth grade, he
asked me to be with him in high school.”

“Aww. That’s really sweet.”

“Yeah, until his schoolwork started going down the drain.”

“Well, he seems to be doing better now. He’s a really nice guy.”


“I shop religiously at Hot Topic. I must almost always go when you’re not working, because I never see you. I see Matt a lot though, and we talk.”

“He’s a real sweetheart. I mean, except for that one night.”

“Well, it seems to be forgotten. I gotta get going now. I’ll talk to you later or something?” he asked.

“Yeah, sure. See ya.”

He gave me a pat on the back and he walked away. I stared at him as he walked. You like him don’t you? No! I can’t. I have Matt. Matt! But Frank is so nice.Did I secretly wish for something bad to happen between Matt and I?