Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Rebound & Green Day?


I looked up, and saw Frank.

“Hi,” I said, smiling. “What’s up?”

“Not much, you?”

“A lot actually. Matt quit his job, and his relationship.”


“Yup, we’re over right now. We were at my mom’s house for Thanksgiving, and my birthday, and then we got in a fight, because he wants me to sleep with him.”

“I’m sorry to say it, but you really can do way better. No offense, but I think he’s kind of a low-life.”

I shrugged. “Kinda.”

“I know this is fast, but would you wanna go out sometime? Like to a movie or something?”

“Frank, I dunno.” I paused for a moment. “I’ll get back to you on that. I just don’t wanna be one to rebound so quickly.”

“It’s okay. I totally understand. I was just saying, because I think you’re cool.”
“Aww, thanks. So, what’s up?”

“Not much. I was bored, so I came here. And, happy belated birthday I guess.”

“Yeah, it was yesterday. I can’t believe I’m nineteen. I never thought I’d live to see adulthood,” I laughed.

“You’re only a month younger than I am. I turned nineteen on Halloween.”

“Aww, neat. So, you need help finding anything in here, or are you just browsing.”

“I think I found what I was looking for.”


“You. I wanted to come talk to you, for no reason really, just to hang out.”

I giggled. He’s such a nice guy. But Lisa, you just ended something, and maybe that’s not completely done. But then again, you need to heal.My mind started wandering and conversing with itself again.

“Okay, and I wanted to shop a little bit too. I need new pants.”

“Yes you do. Yours are always ripped up.”

“Yeah. Hey, do you like Green Day?”


“They’re having a concert in a month, and I have an extra ticket. Do you wanna come?”

“Sure, Frank. I’d love too.”

“Cool. I mean, it’s not like a date, just us as friends, hanging out seeing a good band.”

“I don’t care. I’d go even if it was you asking me on a date,” I said with a smile.

“Didn’t you just say you’re not one to rebound quickly?”

“I did, didn’t I? Don’t ask, I’m confusing myself right now.”

Both of us laughed. Wow, does he have a cute smile. And a cute laugh. But what about Matt? You’re over, go for Frank!There went my mind again.

“When’s the concert?”

“Next Friday.”

“Cool. I’m off that day.”

“I’ll pick you up at four?”

“Sure. Here’s my address.” I scribbled it onto a piece of paper. “It’s not really far from here. Just take twenty-second to Main Street. Then take that down to my street, make a left, and a right into the complex. I‘ll be standing close to the entrance.”

“Cool. So, are you busy here, or do you want me to stay longer?”

“You can stay, it’s not that busy. You’re the first real customer I had all morning.”

He actually stayed until I was off. Then we went to the food court and got something to eat. We went our separate ways when we exited the mall. We hung out during the next week once and a while, and I was as excited as ever for the concert. He picked me up, we caught an early dinner, and went. He didn’t just have tickets either, he had backstage passes. I had the best night I’ve had in a while. He had his connections, and actually both of us got to hang out with them. He acted like he knew them his whole life, I was just shocked, and was quiet most of the time. It was near two in the morning when we got back to my place.

“Do you wanna come up, or do you gotta get home?”

“I gotta be somewhere in the morning, but I’ll call you later tomorrow?”

“Sounds good.”

“You had a good time?”

“I did. Goodnight, Frank.”

“Goodnight, Lisa.” He leaned over and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

I got out of the car and watched him drive off. I walked up to my apartment with a huge smile on my face. Then I had to open the door.