Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Hell Below Zero?

“Matt, what the hell are you doing in my apartment?” I asked.

“Wondering why you were gone all day.”

“We haven’t talked to each other in the last week. Why are you here?”

“We need to talk.”

‘No, we don’t. Get out, and hand over the key.”

“Where’d you go tonight?”

“None of your business. Get out, Matt.”

“Lisa, please can we talk? I really didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I took the time to come here, wait for you, and ask you to forgive me.”

“I have forgiven you. I’ve forgiven you many times before. I’ve had it, no more. You say you’re gonna get better, you do for a week, then you stop. I’m not having it anymore. Just get out, please? Note how I’m asking nicely, because I don’t feel like fighting.”

“I don’t either. I just want to talk about us.”

“No more. We’ve always talked about us, and it’s not working.”

“So, after we promised each other we’d be together forever, we’re not?”

“Don’t try to make this my fault, because you’re the one that wants to get me in bed, and I don’t want to. Can’t you just respect that?”

“Yes, I can, Lisa.”

“It doesn’t sound like it. Three times you’ve tried to do it. Three strikes and you’re out. I’m sorry, Matt, just leave now. And no, you’re not getting your job back.”

“That’s fine, I got the band now. I joined it.”

“Sonny told me. Hope you guys actually get somewhere, because you’re not gonna have good luck in finding a job. Now, leave.”

He sighed and walked out, dropping the key on the counter. I locked the door and went to take a shower. Then I went to bed. I woke up sometime around ten in the morning. I was off work today too, so I cleaned up my apartment and lazed around. I fed the snakes, and cleaned up the tanks. Then I sat and watched a couple movies. I wanted to stay in, since it was so cold outside. Sometime around three, my buzzer went off.

“Who is it?” I asked into the speaker.

“I’m coming up to kill you.”

“Come on in, Steph. Door’s open.” I buzzed her in.

She walked in a moment later, shivering, and all bundled up.

“God damn it’s fucking cold out there.”

“I don’t know, I haven’t went out.”

“Don’t…err…you might wanna start your car and let it run for a couple minutes so it doesn’t freeze up.”

“Meh, I’ll do it later.”

“Want me to do it? I’m still bundled up.”

“If you want.”

She grabbed my keys and ran out. I buzzed her back in ten minutes later. She came back up shivering worse than before. She had about five layers of shirts on, plus a huge ass winter coat. It must’ve been really cold outside.

“So, what’s up?” she asked while I put on some hot water for hot chocolate.



“He was here last night, but I told him, it was really over, so he left.”


“We went to the Green Day concert last night.”

“Bitch! Lucky!”

“Yeah it was fun, especially when we hung out with them for an hour after the show.”

“AH. Lucky fucking bitch! I’m taking Frank now.”

“No, you got Gerard.”

“Yeah, but all he’s good for is fun in bed.”


“And his brother found a girl, I met her yesterday. Dude, she’s awesome!.”


“She went to our fucking school too. Did you know any Alicia Simmons?”


“Me neither, but apparently she went to our school, and now she’s with Mikey. She really is cool though. She’s as chill as it is cold outside.”


“So, are you gonna go date Frank now?”

“I dunno, Steph. It’s only been a week separated from Matt, but then again, Frank is such a nice guy. Then again, I dunno. I’m in hell right now. Too much to think about.”

“Go with Frank. He’s cute, he’s funny, Jesus, he can make me laugh when I’m upset. And you two look cute together, you’re the same height.”

“Oh, thanks.” I rolled my eyes.

“It’s not your fault you’re short and Matt’s a foot taller than you.”

“Look who’s talking, Mrs. Same height as me. Gerard’s taller than you.”

“Only a couple inches. You look like a midget next to Matt.”

“Oh, shush. At least he’s good looking. God, those eyes of his.”

“Matt’s or Frank’s?”

“Both! Now that I think about it.”

“Just go with Frank.”

Before I could open my mouth to answer, my phone rang.