Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Sundae Crashers.

“Well, that was a good movie,” Gerard said.

“You didn’t even see half of it. You were too busy sucking Steph’s face off,” Frank said.

“Ohh, look at you, Mr. I’m too afraid to make a move,” Gerard said joking around. “Mr. I’m too shy. Mr.-”

“If you want to keep those nuts, you’ll shut up.”

I stood beside Steph. We exchanged glances, then she finally spoke up.

“You know, I’m freezing my balls off,” she said.

They both looked at her.

“Steph, are you not telling me something?” Gerard asked.

She rolled her eyes. “I was kidding, but it is freezing out here, can we go?”

“Ice cream anyone?” Frank asked.

“Me!” I shouted.

We got in the car and drove to an ice cream shop. Frank and I shared a hot fudge brownie sundae, because it was huge.

“Frank, why don’t you feed her? Like that romantic way couples do it,” Gerard said, feeding a spoonful of ice cream to Steph.

“Dude, shut up.”

I rolled my eyes and took a huge bite of the brownie. I listened to them argue like brothers. It was quite funny actually. I could tell they’ve been friends for a long time. Steph and I exchanged glances, and I looked over her shoulder and saw Matt.

“Shit,” I said under my breath. “Come get me when he’s gone.”

He hadn’t seen me yet, so I ducked with my jacket and snuck off to the bathroom. I stood there looking in the mirror for a moment, then I looked at something else. I heard the door open.

“Is he gone, Steph?”

“No, I’m not gone, Lisa.”

I turned and saw him standing in the doorway.

“Ladies’ bathroom,” I said.

“I really don’t care. Do you think I wouldn’t see you?”

“I thought we were over, what do you want now?”

“I thought I’d have a chance to ask for your forgiveness, but then I saw that other guy. Gerard’s friend. Rebound quickly do we?”

“Matt, we’re over, we’re not together anymore. That means I can date other guys. We’re just friends anyways.”

“That’s not what it looked like at the movie.”

“Did you fucking follow us?”

“No, I was at the movie with the guys, I just happened to see you guys walk by.”

I sighed. “Just leave me alone. We’re over.”

“Lisa, come on?”

“No!” The anger took over. “I want you out of my fucking life. You fucked up. I gave you a chance and you blew it. I gave you several chances to get your life together, and you blew every one of them. It’s over now. I don’t want a low-life moocher for a boyfriend.” I stormed out of the bathroom. “Guys, let’s go.”

Without question, they all got up and we ran out. They all talked, but I just stared out the window the whole way home. Frank dropped Steph and Gerard at Gerard’s house, then went to my apartment complex.

“You want me to come up with you? You seem upset.”

“I’m fine. I had fun tonight, Frank. Until he showed up.”

“Are you sure you don’t want some company?”

“Well, now that you mention it, company does sound nice. Sure.”

He followed me up the stairs and into my apartment. He flopped onto the couch, and I popped in a movie. Then I joined him with a bowl of popcorn. About halfway through the movie, I felt him put his arm around me and I scooted closer to him. Soon, he was holding me close next to him. I realized what he was doing, but I didn’t seem to want to pull away. And the winner for fastest rebound is…Lisa! I can’t help it, I like him, and I think he likes me. Matt’s a low-life, I don’t deserve him. Frank’s got his head on his shoulders. He’s got a life ahead of him.

I fell asleep in his arms before the movie even ended.