Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

But You’re My Best Friend.

Chapter One: “But You’re My Best Friend.”

“Lisa, why do you think people fall in love?” he asked.

“I dunno, Matt. The adults are weird.”

“They sure are,” Stephanie said.

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Sonny said.

I grinned as I swung my legs over the edge of the ledge of the tree house. It was a tree house my dad helped build before he walked out on my mom and I. I was with three of my best friends ever. All four of us were ten years old. It was me, my best friend, Stephanie, my best friend, Matt, and his best friend, Sonny. I always thought that Sonny had a thing for Steph, but that’s just me. The tree house was our favorite hang out. It was in a tree in my back yard. Stephanie lived across the street, Matt was next door, and Sonny was across the street, two houses from Stephanie.

“What time is it?” Stephanie asked.

“It’s like six I think,” I said.

“Aww, crud, I gotta go. My mom wanted me home at five-thirty,” she said, flipping
her long hair over her shoulder.

“Me too,” Sonny said, shaking his hair around.

The two of them left, leaving Matt and I.

“I think they like each other,” Matt said.

“Why do you say that?”

“He walked her home.”

“I just don’t get this love thing,” I scoffed. “Kissing? What’s up with that? It’s weird.”

“Have you ever wanted to try it?”

“What?” I looked at him.


“I dunno. Have you?”

“I’ve wondered what it’s like. Why people make such a big thing about it. We’ve known each other most of our lives, maybe we should try it,” he said.

“I dunno. I think it’s kinda gross.” I scrunched my nose.

“I do too, but I wanna try.”

I giggled and blushed a little over my normally pale complexion.

“You do too, don’t you,” he laughed a little.

I looked at him. Into his blue eyes. His blue eyes that were brought out by his jet black hair. The kind of blue eyes I wish I had. I had brown, matched by my brown hair. I had nothing special with my looks, but Matt. This ten year old boy was going to grow up to be a good looking guy.

“Lisa? Yo. You in there?” he asked.


“I thought I’d lost ya.”

“I’m here.”

I let out a small snort and looked at the ground below. Did I have a crush on my best friend? I can’t. We’re ten years old. That’s gross. I felt his elbow nudge my arm a little bit.

“What? Stop hitting me,” I said, hitting him playfully back.

I climbed down the ladder and jumped off into the grass. He followed and jumped off after me. I giggled as I ran around the yard. Then I realized he was chasing me. I hid on the other side of the tree, but he grabbed my arm around it. He came around and stood in front of me. Did my best friend have a crush on me?I didn’t think so. I was a tomboy. I was the girl always running around in the mud. That’s how Steph and I were different. She wasn’t as wild as I was. I was the girl who would spit on the ground, and belch in front of everybody. I didn’t care.

“Earth to Lisa!”

“What? Stop that!”

“I keep losing you. You keep looking off into space.”

“I’m thinking.”

“About what?”

“I dunno. Matt, do you like me?”

“Yeah, you’re my best friend.”

“No, not like that. Do you like me? Like, my sister is with her guy friend she always brings to dinner. Do you remember that night? Your parents weren’t home so you stayed here and my sister had that guy over.”

“Ewww. You’re my best friend.”

“I’m not girly enough like my sister, right?”

“It’s not that. I like you the way you are.”

“Yeah, ok.”

“Do you wanna try this kissing thing? See what’s so great about it?” he asked.

I grinned. “Okay. On the count of three. One. Two. Three.”

We leaned towards each other and our lips met for a split second and we pulled away. Something was off. Awkward.