Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

New Job?

It was morning when I woke up again. I was stiff. Then I saw Frank next to me, holding me. He was also asleep. I would’ve went back to sleep, but I had to pee really bad. I moved his arm gently and moved out. I went to the bathroom, and when I came back, he wasn’t there.

“Hmm. He left? That was fast,” I said to myself

Then a pair of arms wrapped around me, and a kiss was planted on my cheek. I smiled, and giggled a little bit.

“Did I wake you?” I asked.

“I’m just a light sleeper,” Frank said. “So, what are you doing today?”

“I got work in about three hours.”

“Okay. Then I can bug you.”

“Oh, joy.” I laughed.

“Nah, actually, I got this job interview later today. For an internship at this record label place.”

“Cool. I’m gonna go shower, feel free to raid the fridge or whatever.”

I ran to take a shower, and get dressed. I dressed in my usual attire of jeans and a black shirt over a different colored long-sleeved shirt. Then he took a shower and we watched some more TV before leaving.

“I’m closing tonight, so come by and tell me how the interview goes, it sounds like a fun job.”

“You know, if I was to mention I had a friend who was looking for a job like this, and he was to maybe say he was listening, would you want that?”

My eyes got wide. “Really? What kind of job is it like anyways?”

“There’s office stuff. But it’s also a recording studio. Bands come in and out all the time.”

“Yeah, mention me, and then come by and tell me what he says.”

“Okay. I’ll see you later.”

We both headed out and I locked up. We split up for our cars outside and I drove to work. Working at a record label? God, how awesome would that be? I walked into work beaming with happiness. Oh yeah, I loved my job now, but we’re talking a lot more money.

“Lisa!” Steph shouted.

“Hey!” I shouted back.

“So, did Frank come up last night?”

“He did! We watched a movie, and…I sorta fell asleep…yeah.”

“Awww. I told you to go for him. You two are a cute couple.”

I laughed and went back to punch in. I reached for my card out of my wallet, and a picture also popped out. I picked it up. A picture of Matt and I he took of us in the tree house. It was about a week before we broke up. I sighed. You still miss him, don’t you? No! Yes? No! We were happy. You’re happier with Frank!Once again, my mind was off again. Just rip it up and throw it away, Lisa. I ran the picture through the paper shredder that was in the back office. I punched in and went back out.

“Lisa, you’re alive!” someone shouted.

I turned and saw Sonny, Derek, and Travis.

“Hey guys!” I said, hugging them.

“You fight with Matt last night?” Travis asked.

“Please, no more talk about Matt. I don’t care if we’ve known each other for most of our lives. If he can’t get his life in order, I don’t wanna be there to catch him when he falls.”

“Why not?” Derek asked.

“Because. He shouldn’t need to be dependant on me. Let’s drop it. Think of a band name yet?”

“How’s From First To Last sound?” Sonny asked.

“Really? It actually sounds cool,” I said. “Record some stuff on a cd and give it to me. I wanna hear.”

“We play in Travis’ garage. Drop by,” Derek said.

“Umm, Derek? Are you a retard?” I asked. “I just said, I don’t’ wanna see or hear about Matt.”

“Oh. My bad. Okay fine.”

“When we get come stuff organized, we’ll record it and give you a cd,” Sonny said.


They hung out a while longer to talk, but since it was busy, there wasn’t much hanging out and talking. They left an hour later, and it was back to work. It started to die down a little bit by the time Frank strolled in and scared me. He snuck up behind me and hugged me. I’m not your girlfriend yet. You really shouldn’t be huggy with me like that yet,

“I got the job,” he said.

“Awesome!” I said, hugging him.

“I also mentioned you. When’s your next day off?”

“I’m off on Tuesday, but I got class in the morning, until about noon.”

“I start at two. He told me to bring you by. I’ll pick you up and bring you with.”

“Awesome. Thanks a lot Frank. I really hope this goes well. I mean, I love it here, but that’s a lot more money.”

“It is. We’re talking like twenty bucks an hour,” he whispered.

My eyes got wide. “Sweet,” I said.

“You work tomorrow then?”

“Tomorrow’s Monday right? Yeah I’m full tomorrow. Class in the morning from eight till noon, and then I come straight here and work one until nine.”

“I’ll drop by after I get off work. I work till five.”

I nodded, and we talked for a little more. He left about an hour before we closed up. He’s asking me what I’m doing when. He really does want to date me. Should I? I don’t really know him that well. He’s a sweetheart though. I wanted to lose my mind for conversing with itself. It was getting on my nerves.