Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Dream Job?

After class on Tuesday, I went back to my apartment and changed. I put on a pair of black dress pants, and a nice red blouse. I dug around for my nice shoes, but I couldn’t find them.

“Come on. Fuck! Where are they?” Then the buzzer went off. “Damn!”

I ran to the door and buzzed. “Who is it?”

“Short stuff.”

“It’s open, Frank. I’m trying to find my nice shoes.” I buzzed him in.

He walked in as I was pulling my boots on.

“Nice shoes,” he said.

“Hrm. I couldn’t find them. These are the next best thing. You can’t really tell they’re combat boots can you?” I asked.

“Nah, they look good with those pants. Come on.”

I grabbed my coat and we went out to his car.

“So, how’s the job so far?” I asked.

“It’s really good. Do you know who walked in yesterday? Billy Corgan.”

“Dude! The Smashing Pumpkins are awesome!” I said.

“We actually talked. It was cool. He was talking about how he wants to make a new Smashing Pumpkins record.”


We talked about random things until we got there. I told them about Sonny, and his band he was working on. When we got there and headed in, I was looking around. There were pictures of famous people hanging everywhere.

“I never knew there was a place like this here,” I said.

“Me neither. I was on the internet searching and I found it, and I was like ‘Whoa!’ I sent an e-mail and here I am.”

I followed him around a little longer then we stopped outside an office.

“Here we are,” Frank said, before knocking on the door.

“Come in.”

“Hey, Mr. Bradshaw,” Frank said, poking his head in.

“Hey, Frank. What can I do for ya?”

“I brought her. My friend I was telling you about.”

“Oh, excellent. Let’s meet her.”

Frank looked at me and waved at me to come in. I walked in and saw a guy. He appeared to be about thirty.

“Joe Bradshaw, nice to meet you,” he said holding out his hand.

“Lisa Cielinski, it’s a pleasure.” I shook his hand.

“Oh, the pleasure’s all mine. Have a seat.”

I took a seat and he went to Frank.

“I can take it from here. Thanks for bringing her in.”

“No problem.”

The door closed and Joe took his seat behind the desk.

“So, Frank says you’re highly interested in this line of work?”

“Oh yes. Music’s been a passion of mine. Music, and art. I’ve worked at Hot Topic for about two years. After I graduated high school, I got promoted to store manager. I have a couple friends who started a band.”

“That’s cool. So, are you in school now?”

“Yes. I just go to the community college. I’m in a ceramics class, and I’m in a music class, learning how to play guitar.”

“So you manage school and a full-time job?”

“Yes. Classes only go from eight until noon, and I usually work from one until nine. I’m off work today though.”

“Well, you seem to have a passion for music and arts. Why don’t I show you around?”

“I’d appreciate it.”

I followed him out and he showed me around. There were office workers, and people working controls in the recording studio part.

“You seem like someone who’d be into a job like Frank has. He works both in the office, and in the studio. In the studio he helps the bands with their music, like organizing it and such. So, most of it is office-type work.”

“I wouldn’t mind. I think it’s great, plus it’s more money than I’m making now.”

“Yes, we start at sixteen.”

“Wow, yeah I’m only at thirteen.”

“So, do you have plans for today?”

“No. Why?”

“Would you like to stay for today and get a taste of the job?”

“Really? That’s great. I’d love to.”

“Perfect. Let’s go find Frank, and the guy that’s with him, training him. You can go with them.”

I nodded and we wandered to find Frank and the guy that was training him.

“So would you plan on hiring me?” I asked.

“Yes. You seem to be driven, like Frank is, that’s why I hired him. Music is in his blood, as it is in yours.”

“Would you mind if I put in my notice at my job now?”

“Not at all.”

I smiled. I knew if I was patient, the right job would come to me.