Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Two Weeks Notice.

On Wednesday, I walked into work, and went to the back office. I sighed, and called my boss. I told him I was putting in my notice due to a better job offer. He totally understood, and said he was sad to see me leaving. He also knew it was for the better. He actually inspired me.

“You never were the settling type. I wondered when you were actually gonna look for a better job,” he said.

I smiled and hung up. I walked back out to see Stephanie walking in.

“So, Steph, how would you like to be store manager?” I asked.


“I just gave Danny my two weeks.”

“NO! You’re leaving?”

“Frank got this job at the record label place, and he mentioned me. They told him to bring me in, so I went yesterday. Steph? I love it! It’s just a great job for me.”

“Aww. We’re gonna miss you.” She hugged me.

“Steph, we’re best friends. It’s not like I’m never coming here ever again. You forget, all I wear are clothes from hot topic.”

“You’re right.”

“Yeah, and I also asked Danny about you. He told me to tell you that you can have my job.”

“Sweet, sweet, sweet!” She hugged me and jumped up and down.

“No more sugar.”

“I haven’t had any sugar.”

“No sugar today.”

We had a blast working for some reason. It wasn’t really busy so we were having fun cracking jokes. I was gonna miss working at Hot Topic, because the people were so cool, and the coolest people came in and out of the store.

“Mr. Moore, and Mr. Richter are here,” Steph said.

“Sonny, Sonny, Sonny, Sonny!” I ran up and hugged him.

“What the hell?” he asked.

“She had some skittles on her break,” Steph said.

“Sonny! Guess who’s getting a new job? I am!” I said.

“Wow, that’s awesome! Where?”

“You know the record company that’s here in town? Frank got a job there, and they’re gonna hire me too! I’m gonna be making more money, and, and, and, it’s gonna be great.” I bounced up and down, still hugging him.

He was ready to commit me, I thought. Instead, he started bouncing up and down with me, then we fell into the wall and knocked off a couple pairs of pants.

“Lisa!” Steph yelled.

“Sorry.” I picked up the pants.

“Dude, look what we got!” Travis said, digging through his pockets. “Crap, where is it?”

“You gave it to me,” Sonny said.

“Oh, right.”

Sonny pulled something out of his pocket. It was a C.D case.

“I figured, since you’ve supported us, you get the first C.D,” Sonny said.

“Oh?” I took it, and read it. “’Aesthetic?’ Sounds cool. Let’s pop it in.” I went to the back and put the C.D in the stereo. I played it through the store on repeat.

“Guys? This is awesome!” I said. “Can I keep it here and play it in the store?”

“Sure,” Travis said.

“Can I have one in two weeks when I start my new job.? I’m gonna ask my new boss if I can give it to someone.”

“Sure!” Sonny said. “We gotta go now, cause I gotta go to work.”

“And I gotta go pick up Lauren. I might stop back later.”

“Bye guys!” I gave them a hug and they left.

“This really is great music,” I said.

“Yeah,” Steph said, finishing cleaning my mess.

“Hmm. I got an idea, now all I need is a customer.”

Steph rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna go to lunch. Be back soon.”
