Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Surprise! Surprise?

It’s my last day of work. I walked in with a bag full of C.D’s, and something to display them on. I was just going to sell them, and give the money to the guys. I went back to punch in, but I was nearly knocked off my feet.


I was surrounded by co-workers, and a few friends of mine. They threw me a party for my last day.

“Aww, guys. You shouldn’t have. You’re gonna make me think twice about quitting,” I said as I was handed a piece of cake.

“It’s gonna be sad to see you go. But like I said to you over the phone, I knew you weren’t going to stay forever,” Danny said. “You’re too full of passion to stay here. You need to expand your horizons, and find something you’re really passionate about. Music is your passion, it’s in your blood. We know that this new job is the one for you.”

Tears started to fill my eyes. I felt so proud of myself, and I’ve only worked at Hot Topic for two years, barely.

“Aww, you guys. I’m gonna cry.”

“Not on the cake,” Steph said, grabbing my plate from me.

“Hey! Mine!” I snatched it right back.

I ate my cake then went to work. People came in for the CD, and I sold almost all of them. I made about a thousand dollars selling them at about six bucks apiece. Travis came in right before we closed to collect the money. He didn’t leave right away though.

“Lisa? Can we talk?”




“Lisa, he says he misses you.”

“Good for him. It’s too late now. I’ve already explained myself to you guys. He knows I’m not going to take him back.”

“What about the ring?” he asked, grabbing my hand.

“What?” I looked and saw the ring.

“Don’t play stupid. He told he us bought it for you.”

I sighed. “He did, and he gave it to me an hour before he walked out because I wouldn’t sleep with him.”

“Why do you still wear it then if you hate him?”

“Uhh-I just-”

“You just still have feelings for him. Admit it. You can’t resist him.”

“I can despise him.”

“You two really should have a talk.”

“No. End of story. Matt and I are over. I don’t want to hear anymore about it.”


Travis left and I went back to work. When the store closed, I was a little upset as I walked to my car. I was fumbling around for the keyhole, when I heard a car pull up close. Before I could look, I was grabbed and pulled back into the car. Before I was even seated, they sped off.

“What the fuck!?” I shouted.

I looked around, and I nearly jumped out of the car while it was moving.

“Oh no you don’t,” Derek said, grabbing me.

“I said I’m not gonna talk to him. Let me go!” I said, not even looking at Matt.

“You two are gonna talk,” Sonny said.

“No. This is kidnapping. Bring me back to my car, right now.”

“Travis is bringing it to your apartment. Talk, now,” Derek said.

Sonny drove on, and it was silent. I didn’t even look in Matt’s direction.

“Sonny? This was a bad idea,” Derek said.

“Genius much?” I rolled my eyes.

Sonny pulled over and told Derek to take over driving. He did so, and Sonny sat by me.

“Okay, you two have been best friends as far back as I can remember. Why blow it? You two are like a couple of school girls.”

I looked at Sonny. Part of me wanted to punch him, the other part wanted to agree with him.

“I don’t want someone mooching off of me for the rest of my life. I want someone who can make his own money, and someone who doesn’t lie, cheat, or steal.”

“You do know he’s over that, right?”

“I don’t care. Once is enough, but he did it more than once. I won’t have it.” I glanced at Matt who was hanging his head.

They sighed and stopped outside my complex. I angrily got out of the car and slammed the door. I took a half a step and someone grabbed my arm. I turned and saw Matt holding my arm, a pleading look in his eyes. He pulled me towards him and crashed his lips with mine. They sped off before I could react and slap him.

“Fucker,” I said to myself and I headed through the gates.

“Who was that?”

This was the part where I'm starting to surprise myself....O_O haha