Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Now What?

I looked in the direction the voice came from. It was Frank. Oh no. He saw it didn’t he?

“They want me to talk to Matt, but I won’t.”

“Well, maybe if you weren’t too busy kissing him.”

“What? Frank! Wait a minute. He did that intentionally. I would’ve slapped him if they didn’t speed off.”

“Why the hell were you with them in the first place?”

“The others are friends of mine. Sonny’s been my friend since we were little. They practically kidnapped me when I got off of work.”

“Well, these were for you, to congratulate you on quitting your old job for this better one. I also thought we could watch a movie, but I guess you got better things to do,” he said, handing a bouquet of flowers to me.

He shoved the flowers at me, then walked off.

“Frank! Wait!” I called out, but he ignored me. “Please?” I asked quietly because my voice broke.

Tears fell and I looked at the flowers. Black and red roses. I broke down in the middle of the parking lot. I was on my knees, crying. My mind was elsewhere though. You guys ruined me. After what I did to promote the band, and you do this and ruin my chances with a good guy.


I looked up. Through blurry eyes, I saw Travis. It made me angry.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“YOU!” I shouted. “You and them had to fucking kidnap me to get me to talk to Matt. He fucking kissed me and Frank saw. He blew my fucking chance with Frank. Frank fucking liked me too!” I shouted. “And I liked him.”

He sighed and just walked off. Asshole. I went up to my apartment and made a date for myself with the TV and my two favorite men: Ben and Jerry. I ate a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough and watched ‘Titanic.’ Then I went to bed, glad I didn’t have class in the morning, but work in the afternoon. Work, with Frank. I woke up to my phone ringing. I fumbled around and found the speaker button.

“What?” I grumbled.

“What are you doing before work?” Steph asked.

“I got another date with Ben and Jerry. We had a one night stand last night, and now we’re committing for some more.”

“Oh, no. What happened?”

“Fucking Sonny and them kidnapped me after work to make me talk to Matt. They brought me back here and Matt kissed me. Frank was there though.”

“Fuck! I’m gonna kill Matt! Does he still live in the same place? I’ll cut his throat in the middle of the night.”

“Steph, don’t do anything that’ll put you in jail.”

“Okay. I’ll set fire to his house.”

“He still lives with his parents.”

“I’m coming over, we’ll plot our revenge, then I’ll have Gee talk to Frank. Say, does Jerry have to go with you?”

“You can come over, I’ll take Ben, you can have Jerry. Just don’t let Gerard find out.”

“I’m on my way.”

“See ya.”

I hung up and dozed off again until the buzzer went off. I trudged out there and buzzed her in. She took a look at me, and she just went nuts.

“You look terrible. I’m gonna fucking kill him!”

“Steph? It’s okay.”

“But, but. Now what then? What are we gonna do? We gotta get you a guy.”

“Men suck,” I said. “Except for Ben.”

I went to the freezer and grabbed two pints of ice cream. I gave one to Steph and I took the other. We sat on the couch and I put on Titanic again since I was too lazy to change movies. After the movie, we talked a little, then she left so I could get ready for work. Work. I really didn’t want to go, cause Frank would be there. I sat in my car for about ten minutes, contemplating.