Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Two Am Phone Calls?

After work, I just went straight home. Frank and I didn’t even talk the whole evening. I got home, showered, and put on my pajamas. I was getting ready for another date with Titanic, along with Ben and Jerry. I was watching Jack and Rose steam up the car, eating melted chocolate chip ice cream when my buzzer went off.

“Stupid people coming at night when I’m watching the car being steamed up…” I grumbled as I headed for my buzzer. “I don’t want any,” I said into it.

“Lisa? It’s Steph, lemme up.”

“No, I’m busy.”

“Gerard’s here too.”

“For what?”

“I talked to Frank,” Gerard said.

I sighed and buzzed them. “It’s open.”

I went back to the couch and flopped down, pulling my pillow back into my lap. They walked in and joined me.

“Well?” I arched an eyebrow at Gerard.

“He was hurt after that guy kissed you,” Gerard said.

“Okay, first off. That was Matt, I hate his guts. His friends kidnapped me after work the other night to make us talk. I didn’t say a word to him. They dropped me off, and he grabbed me and kissed me. If they didn’t drive off so fast, I would’ve beat the shit out of him. He didn’t give me time to explain.” I crossed my arms and stared at the T.V.

“He really liked you.”

“I like him too! I’m ready to become a nun right about now, because I don’t have good luck in the boyfriend business. Steph? Should I become a lesbian?”

“Lisa! Listen to yourself,” she said.

“Does Frank even know what I just told you?” I asked.

“I told him about how you hate Matt,” Steph said.

“Well, when he wants to talk, he knows my number, he knows where to find me,” I said, not even looking at them.

I looked at my hands. Frank, you’re the one that hurt me. If you gave me two more seconds, I wouldn’t have your best friend barging in my apartment.

“I’ll talk to him tomorrow morning,” Gerard said.

“Tomorrow’s Friday right? I got classes in the morning, then straight to work until nine.”

“You two work together, you can talk on your lunch break,” Steph said.

I rolled my eyes. “He can talk to me first. He’s the one that jumped to conclusions. Just let him know that I’m not ignoring him. I’m going to bed now.”

We said our goodbyes, and I saw them to the door. I locked up and went to my room. I crashed on my bed and was out. I was out until I heard my phone ringing.

“Fucking thing,” I grumbled, and I grabbed for it. “What? It’s two AM!” I snapped.

“Sorry, Lisa,” Sonny said. “Did you give it to anyone?”

“You called me at two AM to ask me that? Yes, I gave it to my boss, he said he was gonna see what he can do. Why did you call at two AM to ask me that?”

“I dunno. I forgot then I remembered. I didn’t mean to make you mad.” He sounded a little hurt.

“Sonny? I will never be mad at you. It’s just that I got class in the morning, and a lot of shit going on. I can’t be mad at you, you’re one of my best friends. Just don’t call me anymore at two AM. I’m off limits from midnight till seven. Kay?”

“Kay, sorry. Talk to ya later.”


“Thanks for giving it to someone.”

“It was the least I could do. See ya.” I hung up and put my phone on silent.

I readjusted myself to get comfortable, and untangle my leg from the sheet. Then I was out again until my alarm went off.