Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

More Surprises

I woke up the next morning to my buzzer blaring through my apartment. I turned and didn’t see Frank. Then I heard a toilet flush and he walked out.

“Your buzzer’s been going of for about five minutes.”

“And why did you ignore it?”

“It’s not my place.”

I sighed and went to the buzzer.

“Talk to me.”

“LISA!!!! Finally!!!!!!! I thought you died.”

“It’s open, Steph. Merry Christmas,” I said, rolling my eyes. Then I looked at Frank. “Oh, shit. They don’t know we’re talking again, do they?”


“Quick, go jump off the balcony.”


“Damn, damn, damn. Well, they’ll be surprised.” I rubbed the back of my head. “Right? Won’t they?”

“Umm…yeah? Maybe more to find us in our pajamas,” he said, tugging at his flannel pants.

“Meh, we’ll tell Steph we had sex on the table.”

Frank went bug eyed at me. “Wha?”

“Steph’s had this weird obsession with table sex lately. Don’t ask.”

“Remind me never to go to Gerard’s house and eat at their table then,” he said, shuddering.

I looked at the door. “They should be up by now.” I went and opened the door.

“You two had sex on the table!?” Steph asked.

I went bug eyed now. Her head was right by he door.

“How long have you been there?” I asked.

“About a minute. Frank!? What are you doing here?” Gerard asked.

“Awwwwwwwwwwww, they made up!” Steph said, getting one of those faces. “They’re in love, can’t you tell?”

I rolled my eyes. “Get in here.”

They came in and chilled while Frank and I each went to shower and get dressed. While Frank was in the shower, I told them about how he was sitting outside my door the night before. I went through another wave of Steph going ‘awww,’ and then Frank came back out. We talked, then we watched a movie. Well, the guys watched a movie while Steph and I cooked.

“Hey,” she nudged me. “So, is it back on?”

“Frank and I? I think so.” I grinned.


“You never showed me.” I grabbed her left wrist.

“Oh, here.”

I looked at the white gold band, her birthstone the main stone, then a diamond on either side of it. I simply thought it was gorgeous.

“Beautiful. Did you ever notice that engagement rings are always prettier than wedding rings?”

“Actually, he’s gonna use this as my wedding band too.”

“Aww, nice. I really like it.”

“Yours is prettier though.” She pointed at my ring. “If you don’t like him anymore, why do you still wear it?”

“I honestly don’t know. I think I’m gonna throw I somewhere though.”

“Store credit. Hahaha.” She laughed.

“Yeah! Ha. But I don’t have a receipt.”

“Pawn it.”

I grinned. It was a good idea. I already planned on where I was going. We finished cooking and all of us ate dinner.

“Wait, I’m not eating on that table, you two had table sex,” Steph said.

“Steph! We did not. I’m a virgin you dork,” I laughed.

“Me too,” Frank said.

The three of us looked at him in a bit of a shock.

“What? I am,” he said, rubbing his head.

“No surprise to me,” I said.

“Oh shush, Lisa. You know you’re shocked,” Steph said, nudging me.

“Steph? I am too,” Gerard said.

“So you two didn’t have table sex yet?” I asked, poking at Steph.

She went bug-eyed. “Okay fine, we didn’t have table sex,” she grumbled. “…Yet.”

“I was just gonna say ‘yet.’ Because we know it’s going to happen soon,” I said, laughing.

“Lisa? Shush, now,” she said.

“Okay.” I grinned, shut up, and ate. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to bug her though. “Table sex,” I whispered.

“Shhh.” She smacked me.

“Okay, I know how to end this,” Frank piped up. “Lisa, will you be my girlfriend?”

I went bug-eyed, again.