Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Fresh Start

“Yes, Frank. I’ll be your girlfriend.” I smiled.

He leaned over and kissed me. Gerard and Steph went ‘awww.’ After dinner, the guy did the dishes. I went to my room with Steph, because she wanted to talk to me.

“You seem happy now,” she said.

“I am. I feel like I’m starting over new.”

“Don’t fuck it up.”

“Steph!? I won’t.” I hope I won’t.

“You two are perfect for each other.”

“Just like you and Gerard.”

“I want you to be my maid of honor. Gerard wants Frank to be the best man, and I want you to be the maid of honor.”

“Aww Steph. I’m gonna cry.” I hugged her. “Come on, let’s go before they break something, and watch a movie.”

“Actually, I think Gerard and I are gonna scoot. He wants to stop at his mom’s house real fast, then we’re gonna go home. You really should come see our house.”

“I will.”

We headed back out to the living room and kitchen.

“Gee? I asked her, she said yes.”

“Cool. Frank? I want you to be my best man at the wedding.”

“Gerard? Shouldn’t that be Mikey?” Frank asked. “You know, your brother?”

Gerard went bug-eyed for a second. He seemed to have forgotten about Mikey. Then he went into a second of thought.

“Okay. You both can be my best men.”

“You’re only supposed to have one, Gerard. Just let Mikey do it, he’s your brother.”

“What if I talk to him? No, Hrm.”

“Gerard!” I smacked his arm. “Frank doesn’t mind. Mikey really should be your best man. He’s your brother.”

“She’s right,” Frank said. “I’m fine, just as long as I’m there.”

“Okay fine. We’re gonna scoot.”

“Merry Christmas guys,” I said.

We exchanged hugs and byes, then we saw them to the door, and they left. Frank hugged me from behind.

“I gotcha alone now,” he said, kissing my neck. “What are we gonna do now?”

“I dunno. What are we gonna do?” I turned to him.

He wore a cheeky grin, and I walked backwards away from him, until I hit something. Coincidentally, it was the kitchen table. He leaned into me, ready to kiss me, then my cell rang.

“Awww, I almost had you.”

“Frank? Are we married?”

“Oh, shit. Sorry.”

I grinned and went to my room to answer my cell. It was Sonny.

“Merry Christmas,” he said.

“Back at ya.”

“How was your day?”

“Great. Frank showed up last night, and we’re back together. He asked me to be his girlfriend. Gerard popped the question to Steph, so they’re gonna get married in July I think. Frank spent the night, and Steph and Gee came over for dinner.”

“You and Frank are back on? That’s good.”

“Sonny? Can I ask you something? Do you like me more than a friend?”

“I guess I can’t now.”

“Sonny? We’re best friends. We should stay best friends. You and I can still hang out. Okay?”

“Yeah. I just called to say Merry Christmas.”

“Aww, thanks.”

“I’ll let you go. I got stuff to do. See ya.”

“Bye.” I hung up and sighed.

I changed into my pajamas and went back out. Frank was laying on my couch in his hoodie and boxers.

“Frank? Dude! You’re half naked in my apartment.”

“So? We’re boyfriend/girlfriend. We’re allowed to walk around naked if we want.”

I sighed and flopped on the couch next to him. Then I snuggled into him.