Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Wedding Bells

Steph and Gerard wanted to get married on the fourth of July, and that’s what’s happening. I was a little restless because I spent the night with Steph and Alicia, but I was missing Frank. It’s not like Steph didn’t miss Gerard and Alicia didn’t miss Mikey. We kept each other sane though. On the wedding day, I was the first one awake. I was excited.

“Steph! Alicia! Wedding day!” I shouted, pulling the blinds open and flooding the room with sunlight.

They both groaned and woke up.

“It’s not your wedding day, why are you so excited?” Steph grumbled.

“My best friend in the whole world is getting married! How can I not be excited?”

After we ate, we spent the whole morning with hair and makeup people. Most of them was Alicia. She was so good at doing hair and makeup, so we wanted her to do ours. Before we knew it, it was almost two in the afternoon. The ceremony was to start at three. We got into our dresses, and that’s when I snuck out of the room. I was heading down the hall and around the corner to where the guys were staying.


I turned and saw Sonny, Travis, and Derek. “Hi guys! What are you doing here?”

“Isn’t the wedding here?” Sonny asked.

“Yeah, but how’d they let you up here?”

“We just walked right in, no one was around. You look great.”

“Thanks. I had to sneak out though. Too much estrogen. Don’t get me wrong, I just needed to get away. You three look great.”

“Did you hear anything from those record people?”

I went bug-eyed. “I totally forgot to ask them. I’ll ask when I go back next week. So, what’d Matt say when you told him you were off to a wedding?”

“We told him it was yours,” Sonny said, grinning.

Travis bopped him upside the head. “We didn’t tell him. He was at home to visit his parents, so we snuck out.”

“I see. Well, if you want to say hi to Steph and Alicia, they’re around that corner in room twenty-eight. I gotta see Frank for a moment.”

They nodded and headed off. I went up to the guys’ room and knocked.

“What’s the password?”

“Shut up, Gerard,” I said.

“You may enter.”

I blinked and the door opened. Frank nearly dropped his jaw when he walked out of the bathroom. Of course I did too, because he was shirtless. Mikey was, well, being Mikey, just watching the news. I closed the door behind me.

“Well?” I asked. “What’s the word?”

“Nervous excitement,” Gerard said.

“Awww. Steph’s nervous too, but she can’t wait. I needed to get out, because I just can’t stay in the estrogen ocean for too long. Gotta go over to testosterone land too.”

Gerard and Mikey looked at me cock-eyed. Frank just laughed, because he knew I said things like that. He came over and hugged me.

“That’s my Lisa. Always saying stupid stuff.”

“Like you don’t?” I nudged him in the ribs.


“I thought so. I just wanted to pop in and see what was going on. I’m gonna head back, I’ll tell Steph you said hi.”

I turned to walk out, but Frank pulled me back for a quick kiss. I kissed him and headed out back to my room. Travis and Derek were talking to Alicia in the hallway. I ignored them and walked in the room. Sonny and Steph were talking in the other room. I listened in, because I heard my name mentioned.

“What do you think about Lisa and Frank?” Sonny asked.

“I think we have our next wedding. You know what Gerard told me? Frank’s gonna ask her at the reception. He asked me if it was okay.”

“Awww. There’s times I still think though that she and Matt should still be together. That usually happens, then Matt does something stupid. He hasn’t done stupid stuff lately. I think he’s finally starting to straighten out. He’s actually starting to work hard now.”

“You know what? I love her and Frank together, and by all means, I want them together forever, but deep down, I think she still has feelings for Matt.”

“I agree. I just hope everything goes like it is now. I can’t believe one of my best friends is getting married! I still remember those days when we were hanging out in the tree house when we were ten. It’s weird to think that we’d be getting married.”

“It is. But I’m so excited.”

“You and Gerard just seem so perfect together. I’m gonna go get the guys and we’re gonna go to the church and sit. Kay?”

“Kay, see ya later.”

I snuck away and pretended I didn’t hear anything. I was a little shocked at what I just heard. Mixed emotions. Frank was gonna propose, but deep down, I still feel like I have feelings for Matt. I bit my lip.

“Where you been?” Steph asked.

“I popped in on the boys.”

“Gerard excited?”

“He wasn’t there.”

“What?” Her face instantly went worried.

“Frank said something about Gerard being scared, and he disappeared in the middle of the night.”

I didn’t think she’d be on the verge of tears that fast. Oops.

“But…” Her lip quivered.

I went bug-eyed. “Steph! I’m kidding, I’m kidding. He’s here, he’s fine, he’s as excited as you are!” I shouted in one breath.

Her jaw dropped, then she smacked me. “Don’t you ever do that again. Ever!”

“Sorry. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity for one last prank.”

“Guys! It’s time to go!” Alicia shouted in.

“Ready to get married?” I asked her, nearly tearing up myself from happiness.

“I think so,” she said nervously, then she chuckled. “This is it.”