Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Wedding Vows and Other Thoughts

They started the music, and it was time for us to march. Because of me being the maid of honor, and Mikey being the best man, we had to walk in together. Frank and Alicia walked in together first, after the flower girl and ring bearer, which were relatives of Steph, then I walked in with Mikey. We stood off to our respective sides, and I took a quick look around. A lot of guests. Family, friends, of both Steph and Gerard. It wasn’t a complete traditional wedding. There were flowers, but everything wasn’t white. Everything was so beautiful though. I caught eyes with Frank, who was staring at me. Well, not at me, just a little bit below my eye level. I laughed to myself at the thought of Frank ogling me, then I blew him a kiss. He did it right back.

Then Gerard walked in, looking handsome as ever. He looked at me, and I could tell he was nervous. Then Steph walked in. Gerard was ready to drop his jaw. I could tell he was taking every ounce of mental strength to keep it closed. Then the priest started his talk. Gerard and Steph didn’t write vows for each other, they just used the traditional ones. Steph joked to me that they didn’t want to, because it would sound too corny.

“You may now kiss your bride.”

I could’ve cried when they kissed for the first time as husband and wife. I felt a couple tears slide down. I looked over at Alicia. She let a few loose too. I nudged her, and she looked at me. We smiled at each other, then went back to pay attention as Gerard and Steph came to hug us. Then they ran down the aisle, and I sniffled.

“Maybe that’ll be us soon,” someone said behind me, followed by a pair of arms.

I turned to Frank and laughed a little. He rested his head on my shoulder.

“Why you crying?” he asked, wiping away my tears with his thumbs.

“Because it’s a beautiful sight,” I said, sniffling.

“Well, we got a reception to get to,” Mikey said, putting his arm around Alicia’s waist.

The four of us walked out, and got in our own separate limo. It drove off right after Gerard and Steph’s, and we were on our way. I was nervous for the reception. They said Frank was gonna ask me. What am I gonna do if I still have those feelings for Matt? Just say yes. Frank is the one. You know it. Do it!I nodded to myself, and smiled as we drove on to the reception place. During the drive, Frank was busy talking to Mikey an Alicia, while I stared out the window. Although half that time I was staring at Frank.

Was he really the one? He came back after that Matt incident. As long as Matt doesn’t come around, you’ll be perfect.My mind was talking to me again. I watched him listen to Mikey tell some random joke.

“Okay, so there's this guy right? Okay, then there's this bar, follow? Okay, the guy walks into the bar and he says 'ouch.'"

Frank started to laugh. That smile. That laugh. He’s perfect. You’re lucky to have him.I smiled to myself and chuckled a little at Mikey’s joke. Then the limo stopped and we got out for the reception. We were the next to arrive after Gerard and Steph. They were also just getting out of their limo. Frank came up behind me and hugged me.

“In nine months from tonight, there will be a Gerard junior,” he whispered.

I laughed. “Or a Steph junior.”

“Come on, it’s time to party.” He still held his arms around me and walked with me.

I giggled a little, because we kept tripping each other up. Although I’m not exactly the best walker when I’m in heels. Mikey, Alicia, Gerard, and Steph were making fun of us, although Alicia and Steph admitted to the evilness of high heels. We walked into the room, and all of our jaws dropped. It was absolutely gorgeous. The dance floor in the middle, tables on both sides. Then in front of the dance floor was a long table for the six of us. The flowers, and the way everything was set up was just amazing. We sat at the table as the guests started to arrive. Within another half hour, the party was starting. We ate, then Gerard and Steph cut the cake, and that was served. Then it was more chatter for a while longer. Frank, Gerard, and Mikey excused themselves, so us girls chatted for a bit.

“So, Steph, how does it feel to be married?” I asked.

“I couldn’t be happier right now.”

“How do you feel having this day be all about you?” Alicia asked with a grin.

“Special,” she said, laughing.

“What about you two?” I nudged Alicia. “Wedding bells in the future for you guys?”

She shrugged. “I hope so. We haven’t really talked about it.”

“I see ‘em,” Steph said. “Same for you too.” She pointed at me.

I shrugged. Suddenly, the lights went dark.