Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

What Could Go Wrong?

After the party, we said our goodbyes to Gerard and Steph and sent them off on their honeymoon. We went to change out of our clothes and we all took off. Frank was my ride, so we said our byes to Mikey and Alicia. As we drove, Frank held my hand. I didn’t talk much. I was deep in thought.

“Did your friend Sonny ask you about what happened with their cd?” Frank asked.

“Yeah. I was gonna find out when I got back.”

“I heard Joe talking, they said the record label wants to sign them. I agree, they’re a good band, even if…well…you know.”

“Yeah. They are good. Wait? They wanna sign them?” I looked at him.


I went bug eyed and reached for my cell. Sonny didn’t answer. Instead I got his voice-mail.

“Sonny damnit, pick up. Fine. It’s me. The record label place wants to sign you. Frank heard our manager talking to someone, and he mentioned you guys and how good you guys sounded. You don’t have to call me back. I’ll talk to you later. Peace.” I hung up. “Hey, Frank?”


“Love you.” I grinned.

“Love you too.” He reached and he put his hand on my thigh.

I could feel my cheeks burning as his hand was on the more north side of my thigh. Then I just grabbed his hand and held it. He pulled into my apartment complex and parked. I got out and went to his side.

“Are you sure you don’t wanna stay over? You are my fiance now.”

“Remember, I have an apartment too. Which brings up another question. Who’s gonna sell?”

“I like my place.” I fake pouted.

“Good, cause I hate mine. So it’s settled, I’m gonna move in with you. My lease ends in September which means then I can get rid of it.”

I smiled. “Okay. So are you sure you don’t want to stay here tonight?”

“Tomorrow I will. I gotta clean, and do laundry. I’ll be over tomorrow. Good old floating holiday.”

“Okay. Leave me all alone here then.”

“Baby, I’ll come over as soon as I wake up.”

I grinned, then I leaned in the window and kissed him. It wasn’t a quick kiss though. He slid his tongue in my mouth, and placed his hand on my neck. He pulled away a moment later.

“Love you,” I said. “See you tomorrow.”

“Love you too.”

He gave a little wave as he pulled away. I watched his tail lights disappear through the gates and around the corner. I sighed, then my eyes caught sight of a black car parked on the other side of the street. It was odd, because that was a no parking zone. I cocked an eyebrow, then I turned to head up to my apartment. I walked in, greeted by Tiger. I fed him, then went to change into my pajamas. I was too tired to take a shower. I went through my mail quickly, then I went to bed. I turned on my air conditioner full blast and curled up under my covers, Tiger curled up next to my chest. I was asleep within seconds.