Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Keep The Drama Away From Work

I talked to Joe about Sonny and the band, and it was true. He wanted to sign them. I was happy, except for one thing. They were going to be in this studio, which meant Matt was going to be here. Awkward. Everyone at work knew about Frank and I, but Matt was still clueless as far as I knew. One week later, I had Sonny and them come in to talk to Joe. I tried to ignore the fact that Matt was there as I led them to the office. I stuck my head in.



“They’re here,” I said. “I present to you the newest band you want to sign. From First To Last.”

“Excellent. You can let them in.”

I moved to let the guys walk in. As if it was on purpose, Matt brushed up against me for a second. He didn’t see my death glare, but I just walked away. I went to file some paperwork, then to clean up the empty recording studios. Next time, I need to learn to knock though. I walked right in on a band in the middle of a song.

“Oh, Jesus. Shit. I’m so sorry,” I said, feeling terrible. Then I looked. “Holy crap. Green Day!? Eh-heh. I feel so bad, I walked in right during a song.”

“No harm done,” Billie Joe said. “We were about to cut anyways, because my voice cracked.”

I laughed. “Sorry about that. I always said we should make signs for the doors. Nice meeting you guys.” I said.

They nodded and I walked out. I instantly felt so stupid. I went to the next studio and was cleaning that. Next thing I knew it was lunchtime. I went to the employee lounge and grabbed my lunch. Frank came in for a few to talk, but then he grabbed his car keys.

“So about an hour ago, I walked into studio F, and Green Day were in the middle of song,” I said, laughing.

“Oh snap.” Frank laughed right back. “I gotta go, cause my bills aren’t gonna mail themselves. See you later.” He gave me kiss then he turned to head out.

I heard a soft thud, then he apologized. I just thought that he ran into another co-worker, so I didn’t look up. I had an hour to kill, so I was reading a book. I saw someone walk by, but I didn’t bother to look. I just read.

“So you really do wanna pretend I don’t exist don’t you?” someone asked.

I finally looked and saw Matt. I let out a frustrated sigh, and looked back at my book.

“You can’t even be civil?”

“After the way you treated me? I really don’t even want to look at you, but I really have no choice, do I?” I shot him another death glare.

He shook his head, and took the seat across from me, making me move my feet that were propped up on the chair. The way the lounge was set up, he had me cornered between two tables and the wall. I stomped my feet to the ground and tried to turn away from him.

“Can we just talk about something?” he asked.

“No. I don’t want to fight either, especially in here.”

“Can we step outside and talk. Five minutes?”

“If I do, will you shut up?” I asked, starting to get angry.

“It depends.”

I grunted. “Fine. Five minutes. And don’t think I’m getting back with you. Frank proposed to me. I’m his fiance now.”

He nodded and got up to walk out. I followed him to the front steps, and stood there. He didn’t want to talk here though.

“Can we go to the alley at least? So we don’t have to fight in front of the world?”

“Umm, no. I said I don’t want to fight. Whatever you have to say, say it here.”

He sighed. “Fine. I’m aware of everything that happened. Can we at least be friends, or even acquaintances? At least be civil to each other?”

“I have no problem with that.”

“Good. Can we forget anything bad that’s happened, and just move on normally?”

“I have no problem with that at all, Matt. Just don’t try anything mean or hurtful anymore,” I said, trying to actually be nice about this.

“Thanks, Lisa. It’s just that we’ve been friends so long, even the guys don’t want to see it end.”

“Yeah, well they’re the ones that think we should still be together, but don’t tell them I know that.”

“I honestly think you’d be better off with Frank than me.”

I laughed a little and headed back inside to finish my lunch. He took his lunch too, and we actually had a civilized conversation. He went back after twenty minutes to finish what they had to do. Frank walked in shortly after, seeming concerned.

“I just saw Matt walking from here, he didn’t start anything did he?”

“No. We actually had a civilized conversation, and we’ve decided to patch things up as a friendship.”

“You sure it’s a good idea?”

“I hope so,” I said. “Don’t worry, I still love you, he actually said he thought I was better off with you.”

“Really? Interesting. Still, be careful around him.”

“Frank? I know.”

We finished our lunch, then went back to work. Deep in my mind, I was thinking about if it really was a good idea to start talking to Matt again. I ran into Sonny alone once, and told him to come to my place to talk about it. I had to know if I made the right decision.