Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

The Damage Has Been Done

I woke up to a mixture of voices and sounds. People talking, machines beeping and buzzing, and people prodding my body everywhere. I groaned and opened my eyes. I was surrounded by people in white coats and masks. I was in the hospital.

“She’s stable, and awake,” someone said.

“Frank?” I said weakly and absentmindedly.

“Okay, leave me with her,” the same person said.

The voices were gone, leaving me with the beeping and buzzing, and I saw one person.

“What’s your name?”


“Okay, Lisa, I’m Doctor Marshall. Who’s Frank?”

“My fiance. Can you call him?”

“Where is he?”

“Family, in New Jersey.”

“Do you have any friends here close by.”

“Stephanie. Call her.” I gave the number.

There was silence for a few minutes, then someone entered the room.

“Okay, Lisa? Your friend Stephanie is on her way here with her husband. Do you have any idea what happened?”

“My ex boyfriend. He raped me. How’d you find me?”

“You called 911. They traced the call and from what they heard, they sent out a couple squads. They had unlocked the front door, and they said you just fell into them. They searched, but found no one in your apartment, besides a cat. They brought you in immediately, because they found a knife sticking out of your middle. Did he rape you with the knife?”

I nodded slowly. “How bad is it, it really hurts.”

“They’re still running a few tests, but it doesn’t look really good. I’m sorry. But once you start getting better, we’ll have you talk to a cop, and then we’ll get this guy caught behind bars.”

I started to cry. “Just kill him.” I felt the tears flowing.

“Lisa, calm down, you’re safe here. He won’t get you.”

“It’s…not…that…” I said through my tears.

“Okay, honey, you do need to settle down. You’re pretty badly injured, we need you to stay calm, and still.”

I tried to calm down. It was hard, but I managed. The doctor left, and I was alone. I listened to the machines beeping. I weakly managed to look around a little. Tubes hung out of my hands and arms. I tried to look down to my middle to see what it looked like, but I couldn’t. I slowly moved my hands towards it, and as soon as I touched, I felt a stinging pain go through my body. I quickly pulled my hands away, and squeezed my eyes shut until the pain faded. I started to cry again. Then I just dozed off. I didn’t know how long I was out, but I heard voices surrounding me. One of them was familiar. I listened.

“What happened to her?”

“She said her ex-boyfriend broke into her apartment, and he raped her. Apparently with himself, and a knife.”

“Oh my god! Wait!? He stabbed her with the knife where you would-Oh my god! How bad is it?”

“We’re still running tests and looking at her x-rays. But it appears the damage is pretty severe. She’ll live, but she might not be able to have kids, or even have sex for that matter. I’ll leave you two with her, she’s probably just asleep, but I’ll still leave you alone.”

I dozed off again, then I snapped awake, and opened my eyes. I looked and saw Steph and Gerard staring out the window. He has his arm around her and he hugged her close. Her shoulders shook a little, and Gerard was whispering to her.

“Steph?” I called out weakly.

Both of them turned, and immediately came to my side. Steph was crying.

“What the hell did he do to you?” she asked through her tears.

“What she means is, why? The doctor told us what happened,” Gerard said.

“I’ll kill that fucker,” Steph said, sounding more mad than upset. “Did they call Frank yet?”

“No, I never gave them his number. He’s gonna be really mad.”

“You want me to call him?” Gerard asked.

“No not yet. Could you call Sonny? Steph?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Lis. They’re friends, what if Sonny helped him plan what he did?”

“Steph!?” I tried to sit up, but fell back into the pillow. “Sonny’s been our best friend since we were 5. Please, could you call him?”

Steph sighed and walked out. Gerard pulled a chair up next to me. He didn’t say anything, he just sat. Awkward silence for a few minutes.

“Sonny’s on his way. He sounds really angry and upset,” Steph said.