Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here


Steph reappeared, then disappeared. Then she came back, with Sonny, Travis, and Derek on her tail. They were all clearly angry. Gerard got up, grabbed Steph by the hand, and led her out, whispering something to her on the way.

“What’d he do?” Sonny asked.

“He broke into my apartment, and he raped me,” I said.

“With a knife?”

“After he had his own way, yes he did stab me.”

“You gonna tell the cops?” Travis asked.

The way Travis asked that question got me angry. “Yes I’m gonna fucking tell them! I don’t give a shit if he’s your friend and your band-mate. What he did is illegal, and attempted murder!” I said. “Assault with a deadly weapon, kidnapping, rape, sexual assault…” I continued.

“Lisa! You need to calm yourself,” Sonny said.

“No! I got Travis here trying to defend Matt, because they’re best friends!”

“Whoa! I didn’t say I was defending him! I meant to ask what you were gonna tell them. We have no clue where Matt is. We haven’t seen him since yesterday.”

“Call his fucking cell phone, act like you don’t know, and ask him,” Derek piped up.

“You’re right,” Travis said, pulling out his cell phone.

Sonny sat down by me, and grabbed my hand. I watched Travis make the phone call, and I sat there, calming myself down. Travis looked at me as he spoke.

“Matt? What’s up? Nothing huh? Where you at? Dude, you wanna come meet me somewhere? I’m bored. Come meet me at the Target that’s on Main. Yeah that one by the
hospital…Because it’s the one that’s closest to me…you don’t want to? Why would you want to stay home alone all night bored out of your mind…Just because? Matt? Come on, I’m really bored, we can go play in Target. You will? Cool. Umm, thirty minutes? Cool. Bye.”

“What’d he say?” I asked.

“He seemed bothered, but he’s gonna meet me at that Target. You want me to call the cops?”

“Yes. Please Travis?” I begged.

Travis left the room, and Derek followed, saying that Travis shouldn’t go alone. Sonny sat on the bed next to me.

“Does Frank know?” he asked.

“No, not yet. I’m afraid to tell him.”

Just then the door opened, and in walked Gerard and Steph. Steph was saying something to him really quickly, but Gerard cut her off.

“I just called Frank. He’s getting on the next flight here.”

“Gerard!? Why?” I asked.

“He’s your fiance, you two are gonna get married, don’t you think he should’ve been the first person to tell?”

“Don’t yell at me!” I said, trying to sit up.

“Lis? Lay down, you need to rest,” Sonny said, pushing me back down gently.

“He has a right to know just as quickly as we found out,” Gerard said.

“You think I wasn’t gonna tell him? I was, because he’d realize something was wrong the first time we’d try to have sex, and I say that I can’t.”

“I knew you were going to tell him, but he has a right to know right now, and not when he gets back, cause then he’d feel-wait? They told you the extent of the damage?”

“I heard them telling you. How I can’t have kids or sex.”

Gerard went to say something, but was interrupted by a knock. A nurse walked in.

“I’m sorry to barge in, but I’m gonna have to ask you to leave. Visiting hours are over. You all are welcome back at seven tomorrow morning.”

The three of them got up and left after saying their get well wishes to me, and telling me to just rest. The nurse checked up on me, and offered me something to eat. I shook my head no, just asking for water. I fell asleep though before she came back with it.

*~Frank’s POV~*

I was sound asleep in my old house when my cell phone went off, waking me from my slumber.

“Hello?” I answered groggily.

“Did I wake you Frank?” Gerard asked.

He sounded upset, angry, and I could hear Steph talking in the background, telling Gerard that something wasn’t a good idea to tell someone. Also faded in the background was the sound of someone paging doctor someone.

“Yes, you did wake me. What’s wrong?”

“Lisa. She’s in the hospital-”

“What!?” I snapped awake and sat up.

“Matt. He broke into her apartment, and he raped her.”

“You’re fucking kidding me!?”

“That’s not the worst part. He stabbed her, Frank. He stabbed her there, after he raped her with himself, he raped her with the knife,” Gerard said, his voice dropping.

“You’re joking right? Please tell me you’re joking,” I said, feeling the anger boil inside of me.

“Dude? I would never, ever joke about something like this.”

“Fucking Matt. I’m on the next flight out there. I should be there by morning.” I hung up, and swore to myself for leaving Lisa alone.