Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

News Reports

*~Lisa’s POV~*

I slept pretty soundly through the night. I could’ve kept on sleeping, but the pain woke me up. I groaned and opened my eyes. I was in a lot of pain, so I pushed the call button. A nurse came in moments later.

“How are we feeling this morning?” she asked.

“In a lot of pain. Could I get something?”

“I’ll get you some morphine, is that alright? That’s pretty much the only thing that’ll make that kind of pain go away. You’ll be drowsy though.”

“Just make the pain go away.”

“I’ll be back in a few. I brought you a remote so you could watch TV as well.”

She left, and I turned on the TV. As ironic as it is, the first thing I saw was a news report, and Matt was being walked out of Target by cops overnight. I listened to the news report.

“Matthew Good is in custody this morning following a break-in of his ex-girlfriend’s apartment last night. He reportedly raped her, and he stabbed her severely. Doctors won’t release her name, but she is reported to be in stable condition in a local hospital. Police caught him at a Target store late last night, when he was called to meet two friends who had heard of the incident, and were asked to help arrest him. We bring you back to the scene last night, where our affiliate on the scene managed to get a word from both Travis Richter and Derek Bloom.”

I watched the scene change to the store last night, surrounded by flashing lights. I saw a news lady, then I saw her standing next to Travis and Derek. I listened to what she asked them.

“So how do you two know the victim?”

“We’ve met in high school. She was Matt’s girlfriend, and he, the two of us, and another friend started a band,” Derek said.

“Have either of you suspected any wrong doing between the victim, and accused.?”

“They broke up shortly after graduation, and they recently tried to patch things up as friends. Mainly because they used to be really good friends. Since childhood. He broke up with her due to some disrespect issues, and she rejected his pleas to take him back because of a criminal history of his. He used to cheat, and steal a lot, and he recently got out of that,” Travis said.

“If you’re friends of his, why would you help get him arrested?”

“We found out what happened, and I called Matt to meet me here, because I was bored. He showed up looking very distraught, and I could tell he was guilty of something. He was very out of it. Then the cops showed up. I had snuck off to say something to the cops, and he tried to run away, but they caught him.”

“Well, this must be very odd feeling for you two, seeing as you’re friends with both of them. I won’t ask what you wish would happen, but I thank you for your words. Back to you in the news room.”

“Alright, that was the scene last night following the arrest of twenty-two year old Matthew Good for breaking into his ex-girlfriend’s apartment, raping and stabbing her. Again, we report her name has not been released, but she is in stable condition at a local hospital. We’ll report on this story later as the cops question him later today.”

I turned the TV down as the nurse came back in. She gave me some medicine and water. I still didn’t feel like eating anything. She ran a few tests on me, and looked around where I was stabbed, which made me uncomfortable. Then she left and I dozed off.

I don’t know how long I was asleep, but a soft voice woke me up. A soft familiar voice. I opened my eyes, and saw Frank sitting there, his head hanging. He was talking to himself, while holding my hand.

“God? I swear if you don’t strike down Matt for this, I’ll see to it that I do it myself. I will murder him for what he did. He deserves to rot, he deserves to sit in a jail cell for the rest of his life.”

“Frank?” I called to him weakly.

He looked up, and I could see the tears brimming his eyes.

“Oh Lisa, are you ok?” he asked.

I nodded. “It hurts, but they shot me up with morphine.”

“I’m so sorry, honey. I should’ve taken you with me.” He leaned over to hug me, causing me to wince as a bit of pain came over me. “Oh, sorry.” He went back to sit in the chair. “Why the hell would he do such a thing?”

“I guess he still wanted me. They arrested him though, I saw the news.”

“Did they tell you how bad it was?”

“No, but I overheard the nurse telling Steph and Gerard. And I guess he really did make sure that I wouldn’t have your kids. That’s about it.”

“They didn’t tell you about the surgery?”

I went bug-eyed and just stared a Frank. “What?”

“They have to go in and repair. They took x-rays, and the damage is pretty severe. The doctor explained it all to me. Lisa, he stabbed you two times. The other one was just under your stomach. The one inside you though they said he may have twisted the knife.”

As he explained this, I turned my head away from him and tried to ignore it. Only then did Frank realize that he shouldn’t have said anything. He looked at me apologetically.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, Frank, it’s okay. I was going to find out sometime. I’m just glad Matt’s arrested, and now he’ll probably be there for a long time.”

Frank grabbed my hand and just held it. I rested my head and dozed off.