Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here


That night I got it all explained to me about the surgery I was supposed to have. Then they told me I was going in first thing in the morning. They had to go in and repair. According to the x-rays, the knife cut up a lot of my insides. Frank stayed with me all day, and they almost had to drag him out at night. He didn’t want to leave. He even tried bribing the nurses to let him stay, but they wouldn’t let him. The best they could allow was him staying in the waiting room. I slept uneasily that night because of the surgery. I didn’t even know when I was to go into the OR until they came in the morning and clicked off the wheel locks on the bed. It was movement enough to jolt me awake.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“You’re going into surgery now. It was supposed to be at noon but they miss-scheduled and you’re the more urgent one, so we’re taking you now,” the nurse said.

“Wait! Can I at least see Frank, I think he’s in the waiting room, and when did you plan on telling me I was having surgery?” I asked, getting angry.

“We were going to tell you this morning, and the doctor is going for your boyfriend right now.”

“Fiancé,” I said with an angry groan in my voice.

Frank appeared a few moments later and they left us alone. He grabbed my hand and kissed my head.

“I’m scared Frank,” I said with a quiver in my voice.

“Don’t be. It’ll all be better soon. Soon you’ll be at home with me and I’ll never leave your side.”

“Frank, they said that I’ll never be able have kids, I might not even be able to have sex. You should go find someone else who’s still able.”

“Lisa, honey, don’t say that. I still love you, and I always will, no matter what happens.”

“I’m sorry to break this up, but we have to get her in,” Dr. Marshall said, interrupting us.

They started to wheel me away, but one of the doctors was holding Frank back. Emotions took over me.

“Frank, don’t leave me,” I said, crying.

“You’ll be fine sweetie. I’ll be right here when you come out.”

He blew a kiss towards me, and I turned a corner, losing him out of my sight. The doctor tried to calm me down as I was wheeled into the operating room. They were prepping everything, and then the doctor talked to me.

“Basically, we have to go in and repair. This is something we can’t let heal on it’s own. Plus, we have to clean it out, because there could be infection in there too. We’re going in to clean everything up, so it’ll heal nicely. I’m gonna put this mask on you, and you’re gonna get tired.”

The mask went on, and I was out like a light moments later.

*~Frank’s POV~*

I couldn’t go with Lisa, so I went back to the waiting room and paced. I swear I could’ve paced a hole right through the floor. To make it worse, the people in the waiting room were all old people. Most of them glanced at me from time to time. I was nervous. An hour went by, and I swear I must’ve walked two miles going back and forth in the same five foot space.

“Young man, pacing around won’t make the time go faster. I know you’re nervous, but why don’t you sit and have a cup of coffee,” said one of the old ladies that was near me.

I looked at her. She had to be about eighty. She meant well, but I just couldn’t relax. Not when my fiance was having surgery on a major part of her body, and her life.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, I just can’t sit still,” I said.

“It’s a loved one, right? Having surgery? She’ll come out of it fine, dear. You don’t need to worry.”

I almost wanted to snap at her, but she meant well. I took her advice and made my way to the vending machines. A bottle of Diet Coke, and skittles? No, I didn’t need sugar at this moment. I wasn’t even hungry anyways. I grabbed the bottle of pop and went to try and sit down. I flipped through a magazine, but I wasn’t even paying attention to it. I went and stared out the window. The sun was shining brightly.

“Frank?” someone called behind me.

I turned. It was that Sonny kid. I didn’t know if I wanted to hate him, or be nice.

“What?” I asked somewhat harshly.

“I take it you’re mad at me?”

“You know what? I really don’t know, and I don’t care anymore. All I know is that my fiance is having surgery, because her ex boyfriend, and your best friend raped her and stabbed her,” I said, not even realizing I was starting to raise my voice.

“Oh, so you think it’s my fault? Well let me tell you something. I had nothing to do with it. In fact, I helped come up with the plan that got Matt arrested. Let me tell you something else. Lisa is one of my best friends. I’ve known her since we were five. I care about her just as much as you do.”

He looked angry, but I guess I couldn’t blame him. He did care, and I had no right to yell at him.

“I’m sorry, I’m just frustrated,” I said.

We sat and talked for a while. I started to finally realize that Sonny was about who he said he was. He cared for Lisa, and he was also angry at Matt.

“Frank Iero?” I looked up at the doctor who called my name. “The surgery is almost done, and I have to talk to you about what we found.”