Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Not Okay

*~Lisa’s POV~*

I felt stiff as I woke up. I ached all over, and I felt really drowsy and nauseous. I listened to the doctors softly calling my name. As soon as I opened my eyes and took in a deep breath, I turned my head and threw up.

“Don’t worry, Lisa. This is a common side affect of the anesthesia. You’ll gradually start to feel better.”

I groaned, and threw up once more, emptying my stomach into the pot they rapidly placed beside me. Most of it missed the bucket anyways, cause I couldn’t turn much due to the stiffness. The nurse wiped off my face, and helped me lay back comfortably. I took a couple of breaths and settled myself down. I looked at the two nurses standing next to me.

“How do you feel?” one of them asked.

I responded with a groan, and then I tried to speak. “Hurts,” I mumbled. “I want…Frank.”

“The doctor is with him, and should bring him up shortly. He’s explaining the surgery. Which went well, and you should heal up nicely.”

“How…bad…is it?”

“The doctor will explain it to you when he comes up. Just relax for now.”

They left, and I closed my eyes, I tried not to focus on the pain, but it was there, and not leaving. I was dozing off until I heard the door open. I looked and saw Frank. He smiled at me, and grabbed the chair. Immediately, he grabbed my hand.

“I love you baby,” he said.

“I love you too,” I mumbled back.

“How do you feel?” the doctor asked.

“How bad is it?”

He sighed, and his head dropped a little. “Basically, the damage was pretty bad. We closed up most of the wounds, but we did have to take one of your ovaries, which was nearly severed. Most of it is stitched up, and should heal up nicely, but there is very little chance that you’ll be able to conceive and have children. If I had to put a percentage on it, I’d say less than two percent. I’m so sorry about it, but on the plus side, you should heal up nicely. We’re going to keep you in ICU tonight, and see how you are tomorrow morning, then we’ll work on a release date.”

I nodded, and he walked out, leaving me with Frank.

“Frank? He’s not hiding anything is he?”

“No, that’s exactly what he told me.”

“I’m gonna fucking kill Matt, and you probably don’t want me anymore, cause we can’t have a family.”

“Lisa, don’t say that. You know I love you. You know I’ll always be here. Sonny’s here too, you wanna see him?”

“Sure, I guess.”

Ten minutes passed until Frank reentered the room, with Sonny behind him. Sonny had a look of grief in his eyes as he looked at me. He seemed to be guilty. He sat down and looked at the floor.

“How do you feel?” Sonny asked.

“I really don’t know,” I said. “Pain, yet I feel better, it’s hard to describe.”

Sonny stayed and talked for about an hour, then he left. Frank stayed with me.

“Frank? We can’t start a family now. I feel so bad.”

“Don’t worry about it, Lisa. We’ll make due. We have each other and all of our friends.”

We talked for most of the day. Friends came in and out through the visiting times, and I began to feel happier knowing I had so many friends. I almost forgot about Matt and how he tried to kill me. Frank made a deal with the nurse to allow him to stay with me through the night. He slept in the chair next to my bed, which I felt bad because I knew he’d be uncomfortable. He wanted to though. Honestly, I just wanted out of here as soon as I could.