Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here


I was in the hospital for nearly two weeks, because I was sore, and I suffered a minor infection. I felt a lot better, and was just happy to get home. Pain lingered, but for the most part, it was healing nicely. I had heard little to no news on Matt, and I really didn’t care. I was doing fine, until the nightmares began. The nightmares where I would relive that night. The first time Frank woke me up in the middle of the night, he looked like he saw the living dead. I sat bolt upright, with sweat pouring off my face. I was short of breath.


“It’s okay, Lisa, come here.” He pulled me close to him.

I sobbed in his arms, trying to explain to him what I saw. I was shaking from the fear. They kept on though, and Frank suggested I see a psychologist. I agreed with him, and we talked it over during dinner one night.

“Basically, what I think is that you need emotional healing as well as the physical healing,” Frank said.

“I understand, I just don’t really want to tell my story about how I was raped and nearly murdered to some stranger.”

“Honey, I’ll be right there with you. It’ll be fine, okay? I already called around and got you an appointment for tomorrow at noon.”

“Frank!? And why wasn’t I informed?”

“Trust me. Okay?”


We finished dinner in silence, then went to watch the news. As if my night couldn’t get any worse, it did. I nearly jumped into the TV when I saw Matt walking out of a police station.

“We go live to the Dekalb County Courthouse where twenty-two year old Matthew Good has just been released on bail. If you remember, three weeks ago Matt was arrested outside a local Target accused of breaking into his ex-girlfriend’s house, raping her and stabbing her. She was released from the hospital just over a week ago, and has refused to talk to reporters. Our affiliate on the scene is trying to get a word from Matt.”

The camera panned to the courthouse where Matt was walking out surrounded by reporters. One was able to stop him.

“How does it feel to be released after being accused of rape and attempted murder?”

“It feels good to just get out.”

“Any comments to your ex-girlfriend, she may be watching.”

“No comment.”

“Anything you’d like to say before you go?”

“I’m happy to be out, and a big thanks to my friends and band mates for posting my bail.”

I stormed to my bedroom and slammed the door. I was beyond angry to the point where I wanted to put my fist through all the windows. Instead of breaking anything, I just crouched in the corner and sobbed. Ten minutes later, I stormed out to my car and sped off, completely ignoring Frank. I pulled up to Derek’s house, and pounded on the door. When he answered, I let him have it.

“You guys fucking posted his bail, didn’t you!?” I shouted.


“Matt is out of jail! What the fuck is he doing out!?” I was almost screaming.

“Don’t look at me, ask Travis.”

“I don’t believe you guys! I swear if I see Matt, I’ll be the one you’ll be bailing out of jail after I kill him.”

“Lisa! I had nothing to do with this. Go find Travis, or his friend Ricky.”

“Who the hell is Ricky?”

“New friend of ours. He was the one who mentioned getting Matt out.”

“Urgh, I’m gonna need weeks of psychiatry to get rid of this,” I mumbled, turning away.


“Because of Matt I need to see a God damn doctor. So yeah, when you see Matt, why don’t you fucking thank him for me!”

I stormed off and headed to Travis’ place to let him have a piece of my mind. I pounded on the door, and when it opened, I gasped.