Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Who's Running Away?

I found myself looking straight up at Matt. He looked like nothing even happened. I was consumed by fear and anger.

“Well, come crawling back eh?” he asked.

“Fuck you, Matt!” I shouted, glaring at him. “Travis!” I shouted.

“He’s out, but nice enough to let me stay with him.”

I suddenly became frozen by fear. Matt could easily grab me, drag me inside and do it all again. I backed away slowly from the door, keeping an eye on Matt as I headed to my car. I glared back at Matt.

“Stay the fuck away from me. I want you and your friends to stay away from me. All you fucking two-timing bastards,” I said, getting in my car and pulling away.

I turned the corner a block away and broke down crying again. I leaned on the steering wheel and sobbed. I was terrified. Scared for my life, and the life of Frank. I was still in disbelief over what just happened. When I got back home, Frank hugged me.

“I saw him, Frank. Matt’s at Travis’ house. Fuck, I’m scared, Frank. What if he comes back? What if he comes after you?”

“I won’t let him, sweetie. How about then we go to my apartment? He doesn’t know where I live.”

“We’ll go tomorrow. I just want to sleep now.”

I changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed. Frank crawled in next to me and held me close. I managed to cry myself to sleep.

~Frank’s POV~

I made sure Lisa was asleep before I got up. I was just as angry and upset as she was. I had a few more choice words for them all. I went to my car and headed out. Somehow I managed to find out where Travis lived and that’s just where I headed. I pulled up, and headed for the door, knocking. When Matt answered, I could’ve gotten an award for best self-control. Matt sighed.

“Look-” he started.

“No, you look,” I said, cutting him off. “I don’t know how you did it, but you managed to get out, and are back on the streets. I don’t care what happens to you guys, but I want you guys to stay away from Lisa. I don’t want you near her, I don’t want to see you around the studio, I just want you out of our lives.”

“Fine. We’re leaving anyways to find a new singer for our band since Sonny wanted out. Travis, Derek, close friends, and I are leaving in the morning and going to LA.”

“Good. I have nothing more to say to you other than that if you had any heart, you’d feel any bit of guilt you should for the fact that she needs a psychologist because of what you did to her.”

“Whatever. You just take her side cause you’re her fiance.”

“You are a heartless bastard. I would usually never wish death on anyone, but I seriously hope you fall off the face of the earth and die.”

With that I walked away towards my car.

“How much you wanna bet Lisa comes crawling back to me?” Matt shouted at my back. I would’ve kept going until he spoke up again. “We all know she still has deep feelings for me.”

I turned and glared. “Just shut the fuck up and stay out of our lives.”

He scoffed and slammed the door. I got back to the apartment and found Sonny sitting outside the door. He saw me and immediately became defensive.

“Before you say anything, hear me out. I had nothing at all to do with Matt getting out of jail. I left the band, because of that, and want nothing to do with them ever again,” he said in one breath before I could even stop him.

“It’s fine, Sonny. I just saw Matt. They’re going to LA. They’ll be far away. Since you’re here, do you wanna come in? I guess? Lisa’s asleep though.”

“Sure. I kinda wanted to talk to you anyways about her.”

I led him inside and we sat at the table over some leftover coffee.

“I haven’t seen much of her since she got out of the hospital. How is she doing?”

“She has nightmares about the whole thing. We’re going tomorrow to see someone about it.”

“Damn. Look. I’ve told you, Lisa and I have been friends since we were little. I would never do anything to try to hurt her. When Travis told me he was posting Matt’s bail, I snapped. I told him I wanted nothing more to do with them and I just walked out.”

I nodded, and for the first time, I had gained full trust in Sonny. I realized he was truly a good friend to Lisa.

“I guess I should also add that I do like her, a lot, but she’s with you, and I’m glad she is.”

“Thanks, Sonny. Just because we’re together, doesn’t mean you have to stop liking her. You’re a good friend to her, and I’m glad.”

Sonny nodded and stood up. “Do you mind if I just peek in? Even if she is asleep.”

“No, go on.”

Sonny went down the hall to the bedroom and went in. I sat back, looking at Tiger sitting on the table. He stared at me, with his tail twitching. I sighed then leaned to pet him. Sonny came back out a few minutes later, said goodbye then left. I turned out the lights and brought Tiger to bed. He curled up next to Lisa’s chest, and I got in bed behind her.

“I’m glad you don’t hate Sonny,” Lisa whispered. “He told me what happened.”

“He’s a good friend to you. Go to sleep, honey.”