Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here


*Lisa’s POV*

As Frank drove to the office, I stared out the window. I was scared, but I knew it would help. Frank sensed it, and he grabbed my hand. The ride felt like an eternity, but Frank finally parked, and we headed inside. We headed to the office we were directed to go to, and sat down. A man around thirty took his seat, and told me to get comfortable on the couch.

“Okay. I’m Dr. Rod McCallister, and I’m to understand you’re here experiencing traumatizing nightmares, correct?”

“Yes…” I said, then went to tell him the whole story.

By the end of it, I was in Frank’s arms, crying. I just didn’t want to think about it anymore. The doctor thought for a moment, then spoke.

“Okay, there’s really nothing I can prescribe, but the most I can tell you is that they will go away with time. You obviously live with someone who loves you a lot, and he’s been helping you too, correct?”

“Yes, he’s always been there for me since the incident.”

“You’re comforted by him, and with time, the nightmares should just go away. You’re really just traumatized. And when they happen, what you need to do is when you wake up, calm yourself, and tell yourself that they’re not real. It’s only a dream, and he won’t come back for you. Keep positively reassuring yourself, and it’ll help.”

“Are you sure it’ll work?” Frank asked. “You haven’t been there when she wakes up. She looks like death warmed over then hit by a truck-sorry Lisa. I’ve never seen a human get so pale. I can calm her down quickly, but it’s scary waking up to her screaming bloody murder. I hold her and she just trembles.”

“Okay, I’ll let you two in on a little secret. I don’t do this for most of the others, but the way you described that, I’ll get her something to take.”

He walked out of the office, leaving us in silence. I held Frank’s hand.

“I didn’t mean to say it like that, Lis.”

“It’s fine, Frank. Quite funny actually, yet at the same time, scary.”

“It’s true though. The first time I woke you up, I was terrified. You really scared me.”

I sighed and rested my head on the pillow. It was silent for about ten minutes then the doctor came back in. He held a small pill bottle.

“These should help you sleep soundly through the night. Kind of like a sleeping pill, but they almost shut off your brain, and make it impossible to have any sort of dream.”

“Wait, shut off the brain? Couldn’t that almost put her into a coma?”

“We’ve tested these before, and there’s been no negative side affects. Just take half the dose if you’re weary about the first time.”

“It’s not like I don’t want to dream, I just don’t want the nightmares. Can’t you like study my sleeping habits, or my brain waves or something?” I asked. “I really don’t want to be taking any drugs I never heard of.”

The doctor sighed. “Well I can’t make you take them, but I’ll have them if you change your mind in the next week or so. I’m sorry to cut this off, but I have another appointment.”

Frank and I nodded, then we left. The ride home was silent. The time at home was silent. We packed up small stuff and put it in his car. No more being stalked by Matt. He didn’t know where Frank lived, so I felt better. Neither of us talked though. Once the basics were packed, we went to Frank’s place, where I finally relaxed. We hung out watching a movie until Gerard called. I sat back while Frank talked to him.

“Yeah, we’re at my place. Probably not going back to hers. Yeah it didn’t go so well, he tried to give her some weird drugs that would interfere with her brain or something, I dunno it was weird. Sure, come on by. We’ll be here.”

I lightened up at the fact that Gerard and Steph would be coming by. When they got to the apartment, we almost had a small party. We just had some good old fashioned fun. Of course, my mind began to wander, so I went outside to walk around. I was out for almost an hour until Frank found me. He came up and hugged me from behind.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“I dunno,” I said quietly.

“Come on, sweetie, something is up. Tell me.”

There was something up. A couple things up. I had just remembered that Frank and I had a wedding to plan. Then there was the fact that I wanted him so badly. The doctor said I could have sex, and I wanted to with Frank. We wouldn’t be able to start a family though, because my insides were fucked. Suddenly I began to cry.

“Lisa!? What’s wrong?”

I turned and buried my face into his chest.

“Frank…I j-just wanna s-s-start a family. It hurts.”

I felt him hug me tightly and he kissed my head.

“I know you do sweetie. We’ll find a way, don’t worry. We’ll have a family, don’t worry.”

I sniffled. “It’s not that. It’s just the fact that I won’t be able to do it the old fashioned way. I’m all fucked up now.”

He pulled away and made me look at him. I couldn’t make out the look he had.

“At least we’ll be able to…you know.”

I smiled weakly. “I know that, but it’s just…”

“I know, I know. Matt may have hurt you seriously, but he didn’t cut off our fun all the way,” he said with a cheeky grin.

A/N A bit boring, trust me, you'll like the next chapter...if you know what I mean...