Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here


*~Frank’s POV~*

I was at work when I got a call from Zack’s teacher. She told me that Lisa hadn’t shown up to pick Zack up from school. I got worried. I knew something was up then, cause she wouldn’t forget to pick him up. I told my manager that I needed to go, because it was an emergency. I told the teacher to watch him for a while longer and I would write her a check. I pulled up to the house and slowly went to the door. I saw no sign of any forced entry. I walked in slowly.

“Lisa?” I called out.

I heard a whimper from the kitchen. I walked in, seeing Sonny tied to a chair, trying to untie himself, but failing.


I ran up and untied him.

“Matt! I think he has Lisa! I came to tell her that Matt was out, and then I woke up here,” Sonny said.

I ran around the house, looking upstairs. The hall closet was open, and some of the mess was in the hallway. No blood though. I looked in our bedroom, seeing something on the bed. I picked up the piece of paper. A note.

Well, well, well little Frankie boy. You couldn’t just disappear could you? You knew that I still loved Lisa, yet you had to get in the way. Well look who’s got the last laugh now. Cause she’s with me. You’ll never see her again. Well alive at least. Isn’t it always nice in horror movies to see that dead, mutilated body lying in the dead leaves in the middle of the woods? Perhaps you’ll see that in real life. Blood is such a beautiful liquid, especially when someone so beautiful is covered in it, from head to toe. Toodles.
I panicked then ran downstairs. Sonny took the note from me as I called the cops. I began to call everyone I could afterwards. Within an hour, I had an organized search team, and cops were already out looking. I went to the school to pick up Zack.

“Daddy? Doesn’t mommy usually pick me up?”

“She’s out somewhere, so they had me do it. Now, I want you to be a big boy and stay at home with Sonny, and you two keep each other company. Play with Tiger too, okay?”

I dropped him off at home, then I headed out on my own to search for her. I read the note again, and figured out where I was going to look. The woods. I went to the forest preserve and started to walk through it. It was an area of nearly ten square miles, so I had a lot to look through. I just hoped I would find her before something bad would happen. I didn’t want the cops helping through here, I wanted to find her on my own. I looked and saw light tire tracks on the path. Cars weren’t allowed to drive through here, unless it was park security. I thought to myself and followed the tracks.

“Lisa!?” I shouted every few minutes.

No responses at all though. I knew she had to be here somewhere. Horror movie references. Woods. Mysterious tire tracks. I just had a gut feeling. I walked for two hours, finding nothing. Darkness was starting to settle in too. I headed back to my car to try and find a flashlight. Then a cop pulled up.

“This place is closed now,” he said.

“I’m looking for my girlfriend. Lisa Cielinski ring a bell?”

“Oh, Mr. Iero. Do you need assistance in here?”

“No. I’m just looking through here, like you all are searching the town.”

“Carry on, and best of luck to you.”

I nodded and headed back in, flashlight on, and shining brightly in front of me. I was determined now more than ever to find any trace of her. And once I did, my fist would make friends with Matt’s face if he was there. Anger washed over me, and I kicked a tree.

“FUCK!” I shouted. “Lisa!? Where are you?”