Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Please No

*~Lisa’s POV~*

Matt paced the cabin for hours, and I remained tied to the chair. I was out of tears to cry. My clothes torn, cut, and bloodstained. My body hurt, and I shook. Shook from pain, anger, and terror. I had just been tortured for no reason at all. Darkness settled in slowly, and I could barely see Matt walking around anymore. I thought he left, until I felt the duct tape being cut off my hands and feet. He pulled it off my mouth, then he pulled me outside with him. We walked for a bit through the pitch black woods. I shivered from the cool air. My clothes were damp from sweat and blood, and clung to my body. Matt held me close to him, almost like he was hugging me. I held my hands on my stomach, my unborn child the only thing on my mind.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked.

“Shut up.”

I cried silently as we continued to walk. Then we stopped. Off in the distance I could see a light flickering through the trees. I got filled with relief as I knew that Frank had sent a search party out. Unfortunately, Matt figured out what it was too.

“Heh. You can’t fucking do anything these days without someone spying on you,” Matt said. “I wasn’t going to do it yet, but I guess I don’t have a choice, do I?”

I turned to him, barely seeing him through the dark. “What?”

He chuckled. He put one hand on my shoulder, then I just felt the burning pain in my stomach. I went to scream, but he grabbed my throat hard, and squeezed. I tried desperately to get air in my lungs, and as soon as I was able to take in a big gulp of air, my throat started to burn. I could feel the blade of the ice pick in my throat. He pulled it out, and I fell into the leaves. I grasped my throat, feeling the warm liquid flow through my fingers. I tried to talk, but I couldn’t. I could barely take in air. I looked up at the dim silhouette of Matt as he turned his back and walked away. I lay there, trying to breathe.

“Lisa!?” someone shouted in the distance.

I could see light. It filtered through the trees.

“Lisa!? Are you out there!?”

It was Frank’s voice. I tried to call out to him, but I couldn’t talk. My throat was burning. I rustled leaves, trying to make a loud enough noise.

“Lisa!?” he shouted, getting closer.

My hand found a rock, and I picked it up and threw it. The flashlight came at me, blinding me. I outstretched my hand, which was covered in blood and dead leaves.

“Frank,” I called in a whisper.

I could see shadows through the trees, then the light shined right at me.

“LISA!? NO!” Frank shouted.

He ran to me, and kneeled down. He was in shock. He fumbled with his cell phone and tried to call cops. He couldn’t pinpoint where we were in the woods though.

“Lisa, sweetie, I’m going to get you out of here. You’re gonna be fine.”

I shook my head. “J-just…s-s-stay…w-with me,” I whispered out.

He held me in his arms, and tried to pick me up. I struggled out of his grip because I was in so much pain. I just wanted to die right here in his arms.

“Please, Lisa, let me get you to a hospital. They’ll help you! Was it Matt?”

I nodded. “S-stay h-here. I’m not g-gonna m-make it.”

Tears fell down Frank’s cheeks as he held me close to him. I was in a lot of pain, but I didn’t care. He was holding me. He wrapped his hoodie around my throat to stop the bleeding. I could feel myself slipping out of it.

“Stay with me, honey. The cops will be here with an ambulance.”

“I l-l-love you, F-Frank. S-so m-m-much.”

I let out one last breath before I was swallowed up by darkness. No more pain. Nothing.