Status: Complete: Possible re-write/re-post

Two Roads Split Off From Here

Don’t Blow It.

Chapter Seven: Don’t Blow It.

I had done so good at my job, I got promoted to a manager. Sure, I wasn’t making the big bucks, because it’s not a big business, but it made me feel good. I got to make decisions. I made Stephanie my assistant manager.

“You should talk to Matt. Offer him a job,” Steph said one day.

“You’re right. I’ll talk to him tonight when I get off. But what if I give him a job and he fucks up, and makes me look bad?”

“You gotta give him a try. He needs a job, you said so yourself.”

“Yeah. I’ll try. I gotta get back to work now, you’re coming in later right?”

“Yeah, at four.”

“I get off at five so I’ll see you then.”

“Ok.” She walked out, and I resumed working.

As a manager, you’d think I’d be telling everyone what to do. Nah. I did just as much work as they did. I’d bring out boxes of shirts and restock the shelves. I was a cool manager, as everyone said. When I got off work, I went to Matt’s house.

“He’s not home right now,” his mom said.

“Oh, ok, Mrs. Good. I’ll try back later then maybe.”

I knew exactly where he was. I went to the tree house, and there he was.

“What’s up?” I asked, poking my head in.


“What are you doing here?”

“Dunno. I needed to think.”

“Why don’t you come with me on a walk. I wanna talk to you.”

He nodded and followed me down the ladder. He grabbed my hand and we walked.

“So, you know I’m a manager right?”


“Well, I wanna give you a chance to get a job. You’re always hanging out there. I think you’d like working there. Steph’s there, and everyone else is really cool.”

“I was actually going to ask you about that. Can I?”

“Sure. Come in tomorrow at about noon. I’ll give you an interview.”


“It’s mandatory. For the company managers.”

“Oh. Ok. I’ll be there. Lisa, have I told you I love you?” He grinned and hugged

“All the time,” I said.

I leaned up and gave him a kiss. We took a walk to the park and I sat on a swing while he pushed me. We started talking randomly about the past. That soon turned into us making out. I was holding onto the chains of the swing, and he came around and started kissing me. His tongue explored my mouth, and I explored his. His hands were on my neck, but I giggled because that’s one of my more ticklish spots.

He grabbed my hand and took off, nearly dragging me at first. We went into one of the little tunnel things and started making out again. I could tell where this was leading, but I didn’t want to go there. I just continued kissing him until I completely knew his intentions. That happened when I felt his hands by my belt on my sides.

“Matt, no sex. I said not till marriage.”

“Aww, Lisa. Please? I got condoms with me.”

“Matt, no.”

He wasn’t taking no for an answer. His hands wouldn’t stop. I pushed him away and moved out of the tunnel.

“What the hell?”

“Matt, I said no. You know I wanna wait till I’m married.”

He sighed. “Fine.” He crawled out and walked away.

“Matt! Wait!”

He turned to me and glared. “Leave me alone.”

“I’m sorry you’re a fucking horn-dog. You’ve known for four years that I wanted to wait.”


“You blew it, Matt. Don’t bother coming in tomorrow, because you’re gonna
fucking blow it.”

“Ok, fine. Don’t be a bitch about it!”

I stopped and stood there. I was fuming. I was ready to pick up the rock next to my foot and throw it at him.

“You don’t need him,” someone said behind me.

I turned and saw a somewhat familiar face. I looked at him oddly.

“Do I know you?” I asked.

“We met at Hot Topic. I’m Gerard’s friend, Frank.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“I saw what he tried to do. I respect that you want to wait. I want to wait too.”

I smiled. I think I’m starting to like this Frank guy.