How Samantha Deewas met MCR and Became Their Little Sister

Chapter 9

Whisky, the Russian Blue, had wandered into my room. Bob set aside his book and pounced for her. I could hear yowls of protest from Whisky as she was harassed by Bob's pettings, which soon quietened down into a rumbling purr.

Mum was already brushing the tomato paste onto a massive pizza base when I reached the kitchen.
"Genius." I hugged her with all the love I had.

"Hey sweetie." my mum gently looked at me. "Why so... happy?" (Why so serious? Get it?)

"MUM." I yelled. "MY. CHEMICAL. ROMANCE is in MY bedroom."

"Yeah. I know honey." my mum answered, as cool as a cucumber.

Even now, I can't believe it. I can almost already hear my alarm clock screaming out its annoying beep, and me waking up to another day of madness in the Deewas household.

I thought about all the people who would kill to be me. A lot of people, I realized. I personally knew about 100 fans who would literally kill me to be here. I was blessed to be here.

"So..." my mum had just finished sprinkling, or rather, dumping about 3 bags worth of cheese on top of the pizza, and was trying to cut it into quarters, which themselves must have been the size of about a pizza each. I helped her, and then awkwardly slipped it into the oven. We both straightened up and wiped down our clothes.

"The pizzas will be ready in about 20 minutes" my mum expertly estimated."Get your brothers to come down and fetch them."

"What, James can't lift them in his own." I protested for James's arms.

"B-R-O-T-H-E-R-S" my mum spelled it out for me. "As in plural."

"No." I stated. What my mum was suggesting was just insane. I realized that my family hadn't come yet. I was too excited by My Chemical Romance's appearance.

"Yes" Mum smugly retorted.

"NO" I shouted, hope starting to dawn on me.

"YES" My mum yelled back, ecstatic for me.

"OHHHH MYYYYYY GOOOOOOOD" I screamed my heart out, causing 4 heads to worriedly peer down the stairs to check if anything was wrong. When they were satisfied with their examination that no-one was getting murdered, they disappeared back to their sitting posts to continue reading their books, or rather, my dark and twisted secrets, unknowns to me.

"Are you serious?" My voice shook with anticipation.

"Yes" my mum smugly flipped to the page that she had stopped me from reading, and gave it to me.

I read the name of my real parents;

Donna Way

Gary Tobatsi*

I quickly flitted my eyes to the bottom of the page to the asteriks, and read the term (AS*)
I knew what that meant.

Artificial Sperm.

"YES" I howled with happiness, throwing the adoption papers in the air.
My mum worriedly stared at me as if she thought that I would meta morph into a giant werewolf.

"Why the happiness and the creepy howling" my mum asked warily.

"I AM HALF WAY TO BEING A WAY." I screamed. My mum took a while to decipher that sentence.
"You're happy because you're half Way?"

"YEAH. KICKASS" I yelled. Then I quietened down." Why not Gee's and Mikey's dad?"
The shower water stopped, and I guessed that Gerard had finished his shower.

"Well..." my mum awkwardly mumbled. "Let's just say that their father had...problems with his organs, so he couldn't produce sperm. Donna desperately wanted another baby, preferably a girl so that her brothers could learn how to be responsible."
She took a breath, then continued.
"Luckily their father had donated some sperm to a sperm bank before his...issues struck him. They decided to use that, and Donna was implanted. The girl came out fine, the girl being you, and everyone was happy. Then the doctors realised that they had used the wrong vial. Donna was devastated, and she didn't want to have an Asian baby, so she put you up for adoption."

"YAY" I triumphantly yelled. "I knew that I was a mistake. But it was a mistake that made me half-sister's with Gerard and Mikey.

"And also,* my mum butted in my euphoric moment, "You're going with them on their Black Parade tour. "

I stopped breathing.

"James has agreed to play keyboard for their concerts, being the amazing player he is, and he wanted you to come along. Is that okay?" She searched my face for any negative emotion, but all she could see was love, excitement and more.

"That's bloody fantastic!" I yelped. I gave her a deep hug. Then I pulled away, and asked "But what about you?"

My mum smiled.

"I'm going on a 6 month cruise with your dad." my mum's face lit up as she thought about it. "It's gonna be fantastic."

"So James knew?" I quivered.

"You know about 2 weeks ago James went to the hospital because of heart failure?"

" Yeah. I know. That was really weird." My brother was healthy, jogging every morning around the bus route, about 4 km, and eating healthy food, beside the occasional pigging out on pizza or something like that.

"Well, that was when I told him about MCR's offer."

"Oh" I thought hard.

":You better get going." My mum playfully slapped me in the rump, and I galloped up the stairs. My mind was whirling with all the information that had just been processed through my brain.

I reached the top of the flight, and I saw Mikey and Gee over next to the bathroom. Gee was only wearing a towel around his waist, and I mentally slapped myself for the disturbing thoughts that popped up into my head of which some started with the words 'And then I stroked...' and ended with 'all over my hand'

They were both holding books and were deeply engrossed in them, eyes reading and pages turning. It took my brain a few seconds to click together the pieces. It was just that Gerard was distracting me with his beauty.
He was very pale and hairless. My kind of guy. All my friends back in Australia like hairy guys cos they think that hairy guys are more 'manly' and 'animalastic'.
It didn't help that the towel was very thin and short, reaching the top of his thighs and aaalllmmmooossttt (almost) going over. I think that he was wearing a tea towel.

I disagree.

Then my brain started to whir again, and I connected the golden books with the faces of MCR on front of them, to Gee's and Mikey's evidently increasing enjoyment. A smile played on the edge of Mikey's lips, but it was Gerard with the fat smirk plastered all over his face.

If he reached page 34, I would be in a 'hurt self' mode. What would Gerard think of me? Probably confusion, anger, creeped outness eg.

These books were a dark, twisted, sick secret I had kept locked up in my room. Filled with sexual perverted thoughts transcribed onto paper, I let no-one touch them, let alone read them. I had to get the books back. Judging from the giggles coming from my room, Frank,Ray and Bob were reading theirs as well.
Each book had a specific quality to them, such as Bob's being the most dramtic, Mikey's being the most exciting, but it was Gerard's book that held the most graphic material I had ever written about a guy.
I must get the book back, no matter what.

I sprinted towards them, neither of them looking up, until it was too late. I jumped for Gerard's book. I crashed into him, and he fell back, me on top, and his head hit the tile floor. Hard. He was knocked unconscious.
And to add some more vinegar to my wounds, he had been on the last page of his book.
I kicked myself mentally.
