How Samantha Deewas met MCR and Became Their Little Sister

Chapter 10

Gee was lying in the floor, half-dead. Mikey was panicking, and all I could do was just stare as Gee's towel flopped open.

'God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, please forgive me.' I whispered to the heavens, hoping that if you see your half-brother's **** and you enjoy it, you don't go down straight to hell.

(You can replace the **** with any 4 letter word you like)

I am Christian, but that didn't stop me from ogling Gerard's bits. Mikey was too busy running up and down the hall like a headless chicken to worry about his naked brother. I desperately wanted to take a picture of this perfection, but wouldn't that make Gerard an unwilling pornstar or something like that?

I felt disgusted with myself, but at the same time...

I felt something inside me wake up. It was something that I never usually communicated with unless I was writing in one of my fan-fiction books. I called it... I don't actually know. Weird.
I call anger Veronica. Hate is called Jenny. Jealousy is named Grace (lol) and ugliness I named quite recently; Joe or Kevin Jonas. (haha dissing Jonas brothers)
I decided to give that warm fuzzy feeling a name. Hmmmm.
I've got it.

Great. I've sunk so low I'm giving names to my emotions. When did I ever get this sad?

Gerard started to stir, and I gave the impression to him that I wasn't watching by covering my eyes with one tightly closed hand.

"OMG" I heard Bob yell as he saw the scene. "Gerard is dead!"

"It wasn't my fault this time!" Frank called from the bedroom.

"Don't worry Bob" I reassured the shocked cat-lover. "He's gonna be as-"

"OMG" Gerard moaned as he fully regained consciousness. "Where's my towel?"

I brandished a towel which I had quickly swiped from the nearest rack. He groaned as he sat up, and reached out to take it.

He rubbed his eyes as if he had just sat a very boring Visual Arts test. (I hate Visual Arts)

"Hey Frank can you get m-" He stopped as he realised the person handing the towel to him was in fact a very pretty woman also known as his sister, not his guitarist.

" Oh ****" he swore and tried to cover himself as quickly as possible.
"You didn't see my goods, right?" He scrabbled for a no.

"Yeah I did. Sorry." I turned a bright pink. No use lying.

"Answer me honestly Samantha." he solemnly said.

"Sure Gee." I nodded my head.

Suspense coated the air like a thick layer of plaque. (ewwwww)


"Am I hot?" His facial expression was so serious that I burst out laughing. He started to smile as he realised what kind of question he was asking.

"What kind of question is that?" I chuckled

"You haven't met my girlfriend yet have you?" Gerard excitedly said.

My bubble burst, with a big. Fat. 'PLOP'

He mistook my expressions for happiness.

"Her name is Helena Yaw, and I'll bet you guys you'll love each other."

I nodded dumbly, and he jumped up to his feet, before retrieving the towel I had been holding.

"Is he dead?" Frank hollered from my room.

"No luck" Bob mock-sighed, then his eyes crinkled as Gerard playfully punched his arm.

"I better put some clothes on...." He started to snap on a pair of undies that had the MCR logan on the right bum cheek. Yeah I know I was watching attentively.

"And by the way," he added before I had the chance to escape.

"Nice story" He winked at me and gently shut the door in my face.

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Sorry I spent such a long time
Comment and sub. please.