How Samantha Deewas met MCR and Became Their Little Sister

Chapter 11

As I entered my bedroom, Frank leapt up and gave me a hug. I stood, looking like a stunned mullet.
"You're so nice!!" Frank hugged me even tighter. If it had been any other guy except for the MCR gang, I would have freaked, Instead, I just hugged him back.

"Why?..." I mumbled unsurly to him. Frank searched and found the fan-fiction, and quickly flipped to the middle. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. Even though Gerard's was the worst, my twisted imagery of Frank was almost just as bad. He found the page he was looking for and waved it in my face.

I took it from him and read the page. It was the love scene between him and Lindsey, my favourite female bassist from Mindless Self Indulgence, when they had to say goodbye.

'Lyn-z took my **** and began to suck gently, moaning with ecstasy as she licked up and down my 7 1/2--'

I slammed the book shut.
"What does this have to do with anything?" I stormed, stance ready for a verbal fight.
"You said it was 7 1/2 inches long!" Frank squealed like a little girl getting an ice cream.

"Most people think it's really short cos I'm a really small guy." He was jumping up and down with happiness. Bob and Ray were just chilling out on the floor on their stomachs, reading their respective books.

Frank asked them 'How long did she say yours was?"
"8" Bob muttered.
"Suck." Ray triumphantly smiled. "8 1/4"

"9 1/2, and by the way, who wants the shower next?" a familiar voice said. I whipped around, and saw a freshly washed, although with a headache, Gerard Way, drying his hair with a horrendous baby pink towel and wearing a (black obviously!) tight...jumpsuit, that showed off his slimness (is that a word?) and slight muscles. (I mean seriously, it's not like Gerard needs muscles to increase his level of hotness/ wantedness by fans.

He saw my expression at the colour , and quickly threw it into a dusty, probably never used corner of `my room.

"Ok guys. I win the biggest **** contest. Now, who's up for a bit of skydiving?"

Frank just pouted and shook his head, angry that Gerard's was longer than his. (Do you get it???)

"Nah..." Ray and Bob lazily and simutaneously replied as they reclined on the floor.

Mikey was fingering bass chords in the shower.

Gerard turned hopeful eyes towards me. I shook my head disapprovingly, and he lowered his eyelids, whispering "Shame on you, my own kin turned against me?"
"Yep!" i replied cheekily.
"Do you just wanna go to our temporary home?" Mikey yelled over the roar of the shower.Wow. He had good ears. The shower stopped, and the house sank into blissful silence.

"Uh...Sure?" I affirmed/asked.

"Great! You can meet Helena at the same time!" Gerard piped up.

My heart sank at the prospect of meeting this 'Helena'

"Better start packing. We're leaving in 2 hours.
