How Samantha Deewas met MCR and Became Their Little Sister

Chapter 12

Two hours had passed, and i examined all the essentials that I had packed into a simple black backpack:



Some underwear and bras.

MCR merchandise and posters that I had bought for a lot of money in Australia (think 800$ AUD)

There are no Hot Topic shops in Australia, so I had ordered online.

TOOTHPASTE (must never forget the toothpaste)

Other irrelevant items, like electronic items I barely use.

Everything else would be bought or borrowed on the way, but I had sneaked some t-shirts that I had received from friends anyway.

Everyone else was ready to go. Bob had wasted all the soap in the shower, and had spent the last two hours cleaning it up with a cloth. They had all changed into fresh clothes, and Gerard was bouncing around on his heels, filled with unused energy renewed by my mum’s pizza. Or rather, as I thought about it, my foster-mum.


I was gonna miss her so much.

I rushed downstairs, the bag on my back, and viscously jumped into my mum’s arms. We hugged each other as tightly as we could, and I wanted to freeze that moment for 5 minutes, just to soak in the love.

But I couldn’t.

We separated, and my mum gave me a notebook filled with numbers. I quizzically looked at her, eyebrows creased in confusion.

“They’re phone numbers, so if you need help, you can dial. There are certain numbers for certain states. You can’t phone me. But nothing will go wrong. If you do need help, and no one is picking up, talk to someone else, or go this website; www.**********.com”

“As always, you’re always there.” I hugged her one last time, and bounded to the door.

“Go.” Mum flapped her hands at MCR and I, and we all flew to the limo, where Worm was watching a movie on a laptop.

I waved goodbye, and held back the tears. She would want me to be strong, and not cry. I was gonna see her again, so I wasn’t too sad. But just being away from Mum kinds made me shaky inside.

The credits rolled up on the laptop screen. Worm sighed with content at the story’s ending, started the engine, and started to roll back to their house/mansion.

“I’ll miss you Mum! Call ya when I get there!” I yelled out of the window. We sped off, and the last I saw of my mum, were her waving hands.

I settled back onto the squishy chair, and just saw everyone else just kinda looking at me weirdly.

“That was so sweeeeeet!” Bob patted me adorably on the head, even though that I was taller than him standing up.
In fact, I was taller than all of them, except for Ray’s 6’1 height, and his massive afro.

“Look who’s a momma’s girl?” Ray grinned.

I rolled my eyes at them. I mean, cmon, they have parents as well.
I think.

Gerard’s P.O.V

Samantha is such a great daughter. Her mum was so lucky to have an awesome child, Or foster-child, as I thought about it.

I watched her being teased by Ray and Bob.
Helena was gonna love her. I knew it. It was up to Samantha to return the hand of friendship.
The story that Samantha had handwritten, and that I had read, was simply amazing.

It was a story about me and a woman named Suni Ng. With some quite...vivid descriptions of our, night activities, it was absolutely wonderful reading it. She would make quite a good author...

Did she have feelings for me? I mean, besides her being my half-sister, did me???

That would not be good. Not good at all...


Samantha’s P.O.V

I saw Gerard just blankly looking at me, eyes vacantly staring, and eyebrows relaxed. I flipped him off, but he didn’t react at all.

“Hello??” I laughed inside because what I had said had reminded me of Bob’s early therapy.

He shook his head, as if he had just awoken from a long, restless sleep, and attempted to
ruffle his un-ruffable hair. He just skimmed his fingers through his short cropped white hair.

“Gerard’s brain dead again.” Mikey chuckled. Everyone just raised various eyebrows, and looked on

“Just thinking...” he mumbled.

Gerard mumbling?

“What’s up?” Mikey poked in. If I had felt anything was weird, then Mikey’s brother(ly) senses

were probably screaming at him that something was wrong.

“Nothing...” Gerard replied tiredly.

Where did all that positive energy go?

“Just tel-“

“Mikey! Stop!” Gerard snapped. He clenched the arms of his chair.

Everyone sharply drew back at this harsh reply, and Mikey just looked hurt.

Gerard massaged his temple with one hand.

“Sorry Mikes.” He apologized sincerely, and suddenly grinned. A ray of sunshine among storm clouds.

Automatically, the tension in the air cleared up, and Mikey nodded, accepting his apology.

“Ohh yeah.” Gerard pointed in my direction.

“You’re allowed to call us nicknames, since you’re a close relative of mine. You can call me Gee.”

“Frankie, or Princess Frankie” Frank popped in.

“Ray-ray” Ray grumbled.

“Mikes” Mikey suggested cheerfully.

“Bob...ert” Bob moaned at this terrible nickname.

Everyone laughed at Bob’s disapproval.

“Oops.” I said as I rummaged around my backpack, finally pulling out my phone, a notebook
filled with MCR drawings, and a pen.

“Autographs please? And photos?” I hopefully offered the notebook to Gerard, who rolled his eyes dramatically and took it, signing it with a terrific flourish next to a sketching of him that I had done.

Unknown to me, Gerard, or rather, Gee, had noted my talents in drawing.

I gave the phone to Bob, and hugged Gerard close. Bob snapped a couple of photos. As he did, I smelt the scent of mangoes drift from Gee’s hair. I closed my eyes, and inhaled the beautiful aroma. Mango was my 2nd favourite fruit, behind pomegranate.

“Did you use my mango shampoo?”

“No?” Gerard offered hopefully.

I just rolled my eyes, and handed the notebook and phone around. I examined the photos.
“Great photos Bob” I smiled gratefully at him.

“You’re a man of many talents.” Ray laughed.

Suddenly the limo shuddered to a halt.

“Worm?” Gee hollered over to the front of the limousine.

“We’ve arrived!” Worm yelled back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bob Bryar has left My Chemical Romance
Mourn for him.
I will cry.
I need a life