How Samantha Deewas met MCR and Became Their Little Sister

Chapter 13

With my stomach twisting and turning with anxiety, I opened the limo door and stepped out. Fresh air flooded my lungs, replacing the stale, air-conditioned hair I had been breathing before, and I stretched myself, shaking the tingles out of my limbs.

Gerard exited soon after, with the 4 members following.

I whistled with admiration as I saw where they were staying.

A 3-storey building, decorated with splashes of black and white. A short porch in front of the ancient, oak door. But before I could reach that mansion, a fresh, real looking, grass lawn lay before me, inviting me to run on . YES! GRASS AT LAST!

I eagerly jumped onto the grass, quickly discarding my bag as I leapt down. I happily rolled onto my back, rubbing into the dew-covered grass like a cheery, sun-deprived dog.

Bob, Mikey, Ray and Frank followed me,stripping off their cumbersome various jackets and cardigans. I sat up to invite my other half-brother to the grass.

Gerard quickly jogged over to the mansion's closed door. He rapped on the door.

I rolled back onto my side before closing my eyes, just soaking in the sunlight like a needy plant. I looked like I was falling asleep. Which I partly-was.

I heard Gerard coming back out, his Vans slapping on the porch, before being muffled by the well-trimmed, bouncy grass.

Suddenly my sensitive ears could pick up another pair of shoes, Converse I think, also slapping on the porch, before disappearing in the grass.

"Samantha," Gerard's voice flew out of the blue, and I quickly flipped onto my back.

"Meet Helena. Helena, this is my half-sister Samantha, and Samantha, this is my girlfriend."

My eyes snapped open.

In front of my nose, were two converse equipped feet. I let my eyes trail up. I sound like a pervert.

A pair of beautiful legs stood in front of me. I moaned in envy inside my head. This 'Helena's legs looked like they had been born suntanning on a beach, and with no hair along with it.

If you aren't a female, you have no idea how much time some of us waste on our legs.
And money. Wax strips r getting damn expensive...

She wore denim mini shorts. And a pretty black My Chemical Romance shirt. Hers?

I embarrassingly tripped to my feet, wiping the grass from my back and ass.

A radiant face, with clear, brown eyes, strong jawline and light skin. Of part Asian descent. Great body. Fabulous, to tell the truth. I hated to say that, because I wanted her to be inperfect in any way. So far, she seemed unreal.

No wonder he loved her, physically at least.

It was up to me to find out if she was a bitch on the inside.

I coldly extended a hand, saying in the most belittling tone, "My name is Samantha Deewas."

She happily took it,shaking it up and down enthusiastically,her mouth opening to reveal a commercial-worthy smile, white teeth all around. I sighed mentally. She was perfect in every way.I was no competition.

I relaxed a bit, letting a nervous smile break upon my face.

"Yay. You do have a smile." She teased, playfully twirling a strand of hair around her slim index finger.

Suddenly she leapt on me, driving me into the grass. I grunted as I hit the ground. Gerard just shrugged, and jumped on as well.

It ended up into a massive stack, with Bob on top. I was running out of breath, and Helena noticed my face turning blue.

"Ok guys. Now get the fuck off before I smash you guys." I jumped at her use of language.
Not a perfect angel after all.

"Wanna eat something?" Helena asked me. My stomach grumbled at me. The pizza before hadn't sustained us for long, and I could feel everyone tensing, getting ready to run towards the kitchen.

I nodded. "Yes please." She smiled again, and dotingly stroked my cheek before suddenly bursting into sprint towards the house.

Everyone else zoomed after her, and I followed.
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Srry ive been slacking.
Comments? im depressed, cos BOB BRYAR LEFT MCR. XC
i had a private mourning day.