How Samantha Deewas met MCR and Became Their Little Sister

Chapter 14

Helena had already tied on an apron by the time I had managed to step through the big oak door, into a new world.

Black, silver and white lay everywhere, like something that a bucket of paint that belonged to an emo had vomited up.

It was beautiful.

Straight to my left as I entered the door, was a massive game room filled with cute poofy black bean bags .Not as in big, 10m by 10m. I mean absolutely massive, about 50m by 35m. Random game consoles were thrown everywhere, like a random PSP over there, and a PS3 over here.

Slight scary. If I sold everything in just this room, then I would probably end up being one very rich teenager.

A flight of stairs lay directly to my right, leading sharply up, before turning right, disappearing from my line of vision. I walked along the long corridor, following the bobbing afro of Ray, before emerging into the food laden kitchen, with random baskets of exotic fruits everywhere.

I picked up a pomegranate from its other fellows, split it in half with my nails, and started to eat the seeds. Yum. I love pomengranates.

"Hand me some." Helena said as she bent down to look for some ingredients.

I flipped the half I hadn't eaten towards her, which she skillfully caught without even looking, before flicking out some seeds and dropping it into her mouth. She turned around and grinned, her teeth stained pink by the ripe seeds.

Everyone laughed, and she quickly rubbed her teeth with her finger to get rid of the colour, Gerard looking on, fondness exuding from him like his own personal bubble.

I sighed mentally. What was I thinking? Having a chance with Gerard was like, having a chance with... a lion.

'But the lion fell in love with the lamb' My heart tried to comfort me.

'That was some stupid series about vampires ' I shot back to my heart. It shut up. I sank into 'depressed Samantha' mode.

Frank noticed the gloomy expression that was stuck on my face.

"What's wrong Samantha?" He asked worriedly. Frank was so sweet sometimes.

"Nothing." I muttered darkly.

He looked around wildly at the bewildered faces in the kitchen, but they offered no explanation.

He gave up trying to solve my depressed problem, instead, he decided to guide me to my room.

"Which one should she take?" Ray ticked off the rooms on his hand, and finally reached a conclusion.

"She'll have to take the room in front of yours Gerard." Everyone giggled for some unfathomable reason.

"She too innocent. She should not be corrupted by our wickedness" Helena gasped, and that set off laughing fits again.

I glanced at Gerard, who was laughing the hardest.

'Put her in there.' he choked out between gasps for air.

"Samantha.' he burst into giggles again, He looked so cute with the tears running down his face. "Block your ears, listen to music when Helena and I go to bed. It gets a bit noisy.'

"A bit?" Mikey snorted. "You guys are louder than all of us combined."

"Ah yes...I remember that..." Frank's eyes glazed over, as if reminiscing about a good memory. "That was one of the best nights of my life."

An expression of disbelief crossed my face.

"Some things are better left unsaid" Gerard read my expression. Then he sprang up from where he had been slouching on the granite kitchen top.

"I'll take you to your room." He proposed, not waiting for a reply, before running for the stairs.

I quickly jogged after him, before quickly sprinting up the stairs.

His bobbing blonde head turned immediate right, then at the first room on his left, he stopped.

"Your room." He opened it for me, and pushed it open.

It was simple, with 1 black wall, a white bed leaned against it, and with beautiful purple and blue swirls that looked exactly like the Black Parade artwork decorating the other walls. It was a regular sized room.

No other furniture besides the bed.

"It's a bit bare." He shuffled on his feet.

"It's awesome." I hugged him tightly.

"You're taller than me." He noticed. "About an inch."

"2 centimetres about." I said.

"How long's a centimetre?" He asked puzzedly.

"Never mind." I said. "Anyway, thanks for the room. It's fantastic."

"We have heaps of band merch, so if you want some posters or a couple of t-shirts, don't hesitate to ask. There's a box in the corner filled with MCR crap." He looked up, his liquid hazel/green eyes meeting mine.

I noticed that our lips were almost touching. If I just leaned forward about this much...

He noticed too, and pulled away gently.

"I...better go..." he mumbled, suddenly changing tone. His face had turned pink, but thought that i hadn't seen it.

'Ok. I'll personalize my room." I brightly said, and started to walk towards the box.

He noticed my fakeness, but left it.

"See ya in an hour for dinner." He left, closing the door behind him with a gentle snap!

I beat myself mentally as I pulled out various posters, stickers and other merchandise.

I'm not doing anything. Nothing's happening between Gerard and I, except for maybe sibling love.

And nothing ever will.

I'll make sure of that.
♠ ♠ ♠
filler of doom