How Samantha Deewas met MCR and Became Their Little Sister

Chapter 15

Gerard’s P.O.V

As I introduced Helena to my half-sister, Samantha seemed a little frosty at first, but Helena brightened up the atmosphere with one of those beautiful smiles she just pulls out of herself. They seemed to instantly bond, and they bonded so quickly that it was not funny. They worked together so well, and every little thing that Samantha did, Helena would do something similar.

But when I was in her room, I crossed a line. Even though she was gorgeous, equal in beauty to Helena, she was my half-sister. Sister, more like. To think about doing dirty things with her was being unfaithful to Helena. I cannot let myself be in the same room with her alone.

Doing things with Mikey is okay, since he’s an adult, and knows what he is doing. Samantha is barely 19, and she is too innocent to be corrupted by me. But I wish the story that she had wrote about her and I would come true.

As soon as I had come downstairs, Helena had eagerly told me about how beautiful Samantha was, her personality eg. I smiled wryly, and MCR, Helena and I included were gonna make Samantha a celebration dinner. And a My Chemical Romance cake, if we have enough time.


Samantha's P.O.V
A small pile of posters were thrown next to me as I pawed through the cardboard box, to decorate the blank walls of the spare bedroom a.k.a my bedroom. Conveniently, there was some masking tape there, so I could just tape them on.

They were all in their Black Parade uniform, looking displeased and ready to march. I didn’t really like these pictures, because they always looked pissed off and angry. I was thinking about what had happened earlier, how we had nearly kissed. Was there a glint of agreement in Gee’s eyes, despite the fact he pulled away? Or is that just my dirty mind at work?

I found a better mood of posters as I neared the bottom. Posters of them not in their uniform, but in peaceful black clothing. They were in a white room, looking into a big long mirror, leaning against a tall bench built into the wall, but making sure that their reflections were looking at the camera They weren’t smiling, but they didn’t look angry either. An improvement at least.

I struck the jackpot as I felt my fingernails striking cardboard bottom. I pulled out a black long tube encircled by big elastic bands, which I greedily rolled off, and found a huge, 3m x 5m poster of them in vaguely optimistic expressions. It was cut to about their waist, and they were dressed in casual clothing for My Chemical Romance. Black, Black and black.

I clapped my hands in delight like a little child when i rolled it flat onto the floor, weighing down the corners with some other cardboard boxes, and i saw Gerard’s face covered with a thinking pose, a,k,a raised eyebrows, pouting lips.

Frank was on his left, looking shyly down, but it looked to me like he was secretly checking out Gerard’s ass.

Bob’s head was randomly stuck in from the right, a vacant expression on his face, as if he had been hit on the head with a baseball bat, and received a coma.
Ray was weirdly looking at the ceiling, afro all spazzo, and Mikey was glaring off at an unknown object beyond the camera’s view

That was so gonna be the poster above my bed. The faces I was gonna wake up to in the morning

I quickly found a roll of masking tape that was hidden in the corner of the box, and began to put up all my posters.

Almost all of them had been taped up on the walls except for the huge one of them. I had tried countless times, but it never worked. I tried one last time. Push one corner of the poster against the ceiling, tape it, do another corner, tape it. It fell off as soon as I had put on the second piece of tape. How did that work????

I absent-mindedly looked at the clock on the wall on the outside corridor as I wandered around, thinking of things to do. Crap! Nearly time for dinner.

I spied a door at the far wall, which I quickly walked to and opened, which led into a black, white purple squeaky-clean bathroom that was about as big as my old room. A massive shower big enough for me to lie down in lay in the distant corner, a Jacuzzi next to it. A rack of fluffy black towels lay to my right, and I took one off, hugging it contentedly, busying myself in its fluffiness. I set it down back onto its place, and quickly checked the cabinets for anything interesting.

Brand new panties still in its plastic wrap. Helena’s maybe. I sighed with relief, happy with the thought that I didn’t have to attend dinner with my idols in my worn undies. A whole stack of Pantene shampoos and conditioners were found hidden in another cupboard, and basic toiletries besides.

I had all the equipment for a shower...except for clothes.

Running back to my new bedroom, aware of the time I had left until dinner, I quickly dug through various boxes until a simple black shirt with ‘THE BLACK PARADE’ emblazoned on the front in big white letters and some very tight black jeans that had been cut by a pair of very bad scissors to the knee.

I grabbed them, and back to the shower I went. I opened the glass sliding door of the shower, carefully leaning in and turning on the hot and cold taps to low. Even so, I could hear the water spray hitting the glass door as I shut it.

I stripped down, before stepping inside the vast shower, carrying the toiletries and hair aids into the shower. I relaxed as the water thundered onto my aching back. I realised how tired I felt.
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