How Samantha Deewas met MCR and Became Their Little Sister

Chapter 2

Chapter 1
I was searching in my mum’s room for my birth certificate because I was enrolling into a new university. We recently moved from Australia, Sydney, to New Jersey, America. I was so angry. New Jersey was dank, dark and dangerous. (Well, the place I was living in.)

My parents moved for unknown reason(s). When I asked them, they told me that I would understand soon. I hated them sometimes. (In reality the house that I lived in was actually really nice, but I was just homesick.)

The only 2 pros of moving here are,;
1. I came on a plane here. I’ve never been on a plane
2. Gerard Way and the rest of the gang live here. Belleville is only about 3 hours from here. I could catch a glimpse of him, if he stepped out of his house and was not surrounded by constipation struck looking bodyguards wearing tight suits that showed off their artificial muscles, the mysterious ear pieces, and the famous tinted glasses.

I quickly dismissed that thought, and kept on rifling through the stack of papers in a cabinet drawer in my mum’s room. My legs started to ache, and I sat down on the ground. I found a long golden tube with stoppers in both ends shoved at the back. I quickly popped one side open and checked if they were birth certificates.

I was shutting the drawer when I spotted another document with my name emblazoned on the top. I was stuck between opening it or asking mum. My conscience and curiosity got the better of me, so I pulled the sheaf of stapled paper from the rest of the pile. I stood, massaging pins-and-needles from my legs, running to the kitchen just to shake them out. I handed the golden tube to Mum, who placed it on the table and returned to washing the dishes. I held up the sheaf of documents.

“Mother,” I asked in an English posh accent, “What are these papers?” My mum turned away from sink. A relieved smile broke her face.
“You’ve found it.” She sighed happily. “Now we don’t have to tell you. You found out the truth by yourself."
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keep the reads and the comments coming. I'm really slow, so yeah.