How Samantha Deewas met MCR and Became Their Little Sister

Chapter 4:

~45 minutes later~
I quickly towelled myself, then slipped on my clothes. I checked to see if I looked good. Meh. It didn’t matter. I had given myself a pedicure, a full skin cleansing session and other beautifiers. I felt awesome, so that was all that mattered. I ran to my room and dumped my old clothing into the laundry basket that was collected every week. I arranged all my MCR and Green Day posters that claimed 2 walls as their territory straight, so my room would look like it actually was cleaned every week, instead every 6 months.
Scrapbooks of My Chemical Romance news clippings lay everywhere, so I stacked them on top of each other and threw them onto my bed. My room, a wild beautiful swirl of purple, black and white, was dominated by MCR items. I spent 10 minutes on cleaning my room. It started to pour outside. Yay I thought. I loved rain. It helped me relax. I walked more calmly down the stairs. My brother who was walking up, meowed and made claws of his hands.
“Looking sexy sis” he winked, then continued his way up the stairs. “Tell me who your real parents are when you meet them. By the way I want ‘The Black Parade’ back. It’s mine after all.”
“1 more day please? I whined, “I just need to confirm the lyrics to Mama and The Sharpest Lives” Gerard Way didn’t sing that clearly in those songs.
Our internet was capped, because my brother had watched too many MCR interviews, so I couldn’t check what the lyrics were.
“Ok” he let me off.”Also, how many posters do you have of MCR?”
“Suck. I’m still winning. 75 posters. Beat that”
My brother is a huge fan of MCR as well. Every single week we have a contest on who has the most posters. I’ve only won once, but that was because he was away on a camp for 3 days.
I rolled my eyes and continued down the stairs. I sat down at the table where my mum was sitting.
“Are you ready?” my foster-mum took my cold, sweaty hands in her own, rubbing them together for heat. I nodded anxiously. I felt so nervous that it felt like butterflies were rocking out to a MCR concert in my stomach. With moshpits.
“Go up to your room. I’ll let them in up to your room. Ok?” I nodded, and while I was sprinting up the stairs, my watch beeped three, and the doorbell rang, precisely on time. I ran into my room, turned up the stereo up to max volume to My Chemical Romance’s new album, ‘The Black Parade’.
The soothing ring of the piano to the intro of ‘Welcome to the Black Parade’ was interrupted by the thump of feet on stairs. A hand sharply rapped on my door. I checked to see if my room looked ok, no lopsided posters of My Chemical Romance or Green Day. Just a few MCR bits of clothing. I spotted a pair of MCR undies, and quickly threw them under my bed. I stood up, dusting my clothes and walking towards the door, my heart beat the tango, and I heard it in my ears. My hand reached out to open the doorknob.
This was the first time that I would meet my real family
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The next chapter reveals her family.