How Samantha Deewas met MCR and Became Their Little Sister

Chapter 6

I opened the door, and the five people in black ponchos who had been leaning against the door with anticipation tumbled in. The first person looked up, shaking back the hood and spraying droplets of water everywhere. A shock of platinum hair decorated the top of his pale, gaunt face. Pale skin, black eyebrows. Hazel/green eyes drilled into her. Then a smile split across his face. A face that was repeated in 75 different poses with 4 other faces. A face that was very, very familiar.
“Hey. I’m Gerard Way.”
“I’-m-m Mikey.” A painfully thin man with moussed up hair managed to gasp as he tried to wrestle with his raincoat. A bag lay next to him.
“Frank here. Or Frankie. I don’t mind.” Said a youthful, relaxed looking man, who made wearing black raincoats all the rage in this year’s fashion.
“Ray” growled the tall man between Gerard’s and Frank’s shoulders. His afro was still full of life, even though it had received a severe beating from the rain outside.
“Never fear, Bob’s here.” The sunglasses-clad man next to Ray grinned. A lip ring was visible, and as he took of his shades, his baby-blue eyes shone through. He was the only person who looked completely dry.
“We’re My Chemical Romance.” They chorused. But there was no point to their whole performance.
I had fainted even before Gerard said hey.
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