How Samantha Deewas met MCR and Became Their Little Sister

Chapter 7

Gerard’s P.O.V

It was 3:00. It was time. MCR and I had just returned from a concert as The Black Parade, and we were still dressed. Mikey was carrying a bag that contained all our casual clothing and towels. Worm was waiting outside in the car, so we decided to get in the two storey house as soon as possible. Frank whistled as he admired the beautiful house.

“Wow. This is heaps better than Belleville.”
We all agreed, even though Bob had never visited the hometown of the rest of MCR.

I pressed the doorbell. A few seconds later, it was opened by a middle aged woman, who happily asked us,

“You are here for Samantha Way?”
“That’s us.” Chimed in Frank.

“Hello. My name is Emma Deewas. I’m her foster-mum.” She let us in, and closed the door. I heard the thumping of feet as someone ran up the carpeted stairs.

“Where is she?” Emma was going to answer, when the opening individual piano notes of ‘Welcome To The Black Parade’ echoed throughout the house. She winced and pointed upstairs.
We all sprinted up the stairs, eager to see a sister we didn’t even know existed until today. The source of the noise was the first room on the left. We all crowded around the door, and I knocked sharply on the door. Almost instantly the volume was lowered.

A few seconds passed, and we all leaned hard against the door. The door suddenly flew open and we all tumbled in. I quickly flipped the hood of the rain coat off my face, and looked up.

A dazzling girl with Asian features, though with green eyes, blankly looked at him, and then recognition flared in her eyes. She hastily backed away.
I started our rehearsed piece.
“Hey. I’m Gerard Way.” After everyone else finished, we all said together,
“We’re My Chemical Romance.”
Then we just realised that Samantha, my little sister, had just keeled over backwards. We rushed to her side. I could see the white of her eyes. I got really worried. I started to shake her, while Bob just waved his right hand over her face, repetitively saying,
“Hello, helloooooo?”
“That’s not going to help Bob.” I snapped.
“Really Gerard?” Bob asked annoyingly.
“Yeah Bo-“
Samantha groaned, as she began to wake up.
“Hello, helloooooo?” Bob kept on his therapy.
Samantha’s eyes flickered open, and she returned from the world of dreams.
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