How Samantha Deewas met MCR and Became Their Little Sister

Chapter 8

Samantha’s P.O.V

“Hhhheeeelllllooooooo???” A blurry hand waved across my field of vision like an annoying skin-coloured fly, as I regained consciousness. I wiped my eyes and yawned, as if I had just a long nap. I could see 5 faces worriedly looking down at me. I sat up abruptly, and the faces shot backwards. I looked around wildly. A pale hand reached out and rubbed my shoulder.

“You okay?” Gerard smoothed over my sleeve, his hazel eyes worriedly searching my eyes for any sign of trauma/brain damage.

“Yeah. Thanks” I assured him roughly. He stepped back as I stood up, allowing me personal space, which I was grateful for.

Then I just recapped on the other 5 people in the room. I started to hyperventilate. Gerard had seen this before in many fans, and he quickly whipped out a brown paper bag, which he gave to me.
I bent over while breathing to see where he had magically caused the bag to appear. They thought I was going to fall, and righted me with 10 hands. I thanked them, and gave back the paper bag to Gerard, who made it disappear in a blink of an eye.

After collapsing onto my bed, I noticed that they were wearing their Black Parade uniforms. The pungent smell of sweat polluted my room, and I wrinkled my nose in disgust. Bob noticed my apparent distress.

“I know it smells bad. We just came back from a concert, and it was boiling hot. And when it started to pour, we got even more sweaty because of the humidity ” Bob explained.

Gerard lifted his arm and smelt his underarm area. He mimed vomiting, and I laughed in spite of myself.

“I must say, at least I smell pretty ripe. Can we use your shower? We have clothes and towels, so no need to buy new ones.” Gerard exclaimed,

“S-s-s-ure” I stuttered. What an awesome impression. NOT. But it was just seeing them in real life, is like, incredible. I had only seen them live 3 times, and I couldn’t see THEM, just streamed videos. Gerard leapt as fast as a vampire for the duffle bag that lay next to Mikey, scaring the crap out of me. Mikey was just as quick, and they had a wrestling match over the bag. Gerard won, and triumphantly did a victory run around Mikey before asking me,

“Where’s your bathroom?”

“Across.” I pointed out of my room and towards the shower. He chuckled with pleasure for the long, hot shower ahead, and raced off. I could see him already taking off his jacket, but then he reached the shower, turned around, and locked the door with a resounding 'click!'

“So you guys just chill. I’ll get something for us to eat. Any preferences?” I questioned.

“Vegan pizza” Frank stated as he flicked idly through a scrapbook filled with MCR newspaper clippings. I reached out to take it back but decided against it. I just really hoped that they didn’t find my fan fiction library. I couldn’t attract any attention, or Frank,Mikey,Ray or even Bob would read it. I just left them alone.

I quickly ran downstairs as Mikey spotted a collection of golden books on the top of one of many pile of books. He took one with a picture of him on the front. Below the picture read the words ‘Mikey Way fanfiction.’

“Guys...” he motioned Ray, Frank and Bob over, then gave them their respective books. They all began to read. Gerard was still singing away in the shower. Mikey decided to give it to him the moment he got out of the shower.
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I need some more motivation... cos I have no idea which direction this should go...
Comment me some ideas, and I might consider... Plus i get $10 cos my friend said that I wouldn't get 1 subscriber XD. Thanks guys