Status: beginning....don't know how it's going to pan out, but, hey, I'll give it a go.



The first thing they did to me was cut my hair. The officers bluntly snipped the chestnut wave from my shoulders, making them feel oddly bare. With my new skin-head hairstyle, I was shown to the room I would be sleeping in for the next few months, with an unknown person. The small room was drab, the walls painted in a discouraging grey concrete colour. A tiny window was positioned high on the wall in front of me, barred like a prison. Two single beds were at each ends of the room, a metre apart, and were dressed in similarly dull bed sheets. In fact, just looking into the room made me feel depressed.

As I began to unpack my things, I thought about Anna. What was she doing now? How was she coping? We had been together for an age, always nearby each other, even in the house. It was a strange feeling, looking over my shoulder and not seeing her elfin features rise in a delicate smile at me. I took a deep breath, trying to keep the tears at bay. We were so close. Wait. Why am I saying were? We still are- it’s not like I’m never coming back… I sighed. How long had I been trying to hold this thought off? I had briefly reassured Anna that I was coming back… but nobody ever knows.

A sharp knock on the door startled me, and I swivelled towards the door, eyes wide.
A tall man with broad shoulders and in need of a shave filled the whole frame, his muscular build impressive. I spied a similar uniform to mine and relaxed.
“Soldier.” I said, offering my hand formally.
He laughed a bellowing boom that echoed through the tiny room.
“Come here!” He pulled me into a hug, surprising me.
“Um… hello?” I tried, feeling very awkward. I patted him on the back with my free hand.

He laughed again, releasing me and taking my hand, shaking it with incredible strength.
“My name’s Dave Smith. Yeah, I know average- right?” He moved past me chucking his bag on the cold floor, launching himself onto the bed.
“Right, well um,” I said, a bit startled. “Um, I’m Marcus Spence…where are you from then?” I tried some idle small talk, filling the awkward tension in the room. Or maybe I was just awkward.
“Jersey. Well, originally England, but I moved here a while back. Nicer weather,” He picked at his fingernails, avoiding my eyes. “You?”

“Atlanta.” And we were back to the awkward silence again.
Just as I opened my mouth to say something uninteresting and dull, Dave yawned, getting off his bed.
“Weeeeeeell I’m gonna get going. Afternoon jog and all that.” He smiled clapping me on the shoulder. “See you later.” He ducked out through the door.
Well. That was weird.

As the training process ensued, each day was a harder task, a new level to push myself to, and a new technique to learn. Dave was an… interesting room mate to have.
He was loud, yet friendly, and I couldn't really have asked for more. He became my good friend- he trained with me, laughed with me, and basically was a good-hearted guy. I appreciated that.

But there were the lonely days. The days filled with anguish, and grief as I missed my family terribly. I hid what I felt from the men, always going with the flow. But I missed home. The scent of honey and lavander that drifted from room to room. A scent that Anna tried so hard to perfect and make cosy. I loved that smell. It was Anna's smell.

So I trained all day, every day, trying to work my way to the top of the class. With the sudden impulse to join the army, I needed to succeed for Anna and our family.
I needed to survive.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was just sort of a 'fill the space chapter', just to let you know whats happening with Marcus. More interesting stuff coming soon!