The Unlikely Hero

A young graduate from the Magical Academy of Amyron gets involved in a very serious and grave matter, called "Saving the World". Problem is, she is far from being a hero material... It is not the honor and the nobility of a Hero or the fame of saving the universe or even the handsome and hot fellow-travelers that make her squeal with glee. It is the glitter of gold coins and the value of the precious gems in one's long forgotten treasury that really drives the quirky heroine to do the unthinkable. Maybe, even save that silly world along the way...
  1. The Beginnings
    And it all starts with a little kindness...
  2. Who Needs a Saviour
    Did someone order some action?
  3. Sheep in Distress
    Saving damsels and sheeps is harder than it may sound
  4. First Mission
    Aleta gets her first assignment. What suprises await her?
  5. A Pet
    So... who wants a demon pet?
  6. And Yet Another Mission
    Having just completed her first mission, the heroine gets a new one!
  7. Morning Musings
  8. The Bandits
  9. The Date
  10. Dreamwalking
  11. Johnny Trouble
  12. The Mess in the Crypts
  13. The First Signs of a Storm