The Unlikely Hero

The Mess in the Crypts

“Gyyyaaaaah!” I screamed as I jumped backwards and fireballs shot out from my palms in completely random directions, hitting everything and everyone in its path. The skeletons that were moving towards us shattered in pieces down to the ground and I clattered my teeth nervously. Was this all? Were they all gone?.. All of them?

“Ouuuch,” meanwhile, Elek exclaimed as he too got hit by the fiery flames in his side and he gave me a reproachful look. “What did I do?”

“I’m sorrryyyyy,” I whined as I stepped backwards from a single rising skeleton. “Gah, no, no, don’t come heeere!!!!”

I whirled around and dashed across the corridor towards the room we just had passed, knowing that at least that place was perfectly safe. The skeleton groaned after me and let out its last nonexistent breath as Elek severed its head.

“Come on, Aleta, he’s dead now,” Elek smiled and I shivered, peeking from around the wall. The warrior was smiling at me kindly, his eyes glinting with slight amusement.

“I’m pathetic, aren’t I?” I grumbled as I walked towards him, my eyes glancing around for other undead moving piles of bones.

“Nah,” Elek shook his head. “Everyone has their own fears. That’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about.”

“Easy for you to say,” I mumbled as I finally breathed a sigh of relief. No more skeletons for now.

“Look, believe it or not, but half of these skeletons were killed by you, Aleta,” Elek said as he took my wrist and led me forth. “Your fire is damn hot. What level is it?”

“I have no idea,” I grumbled. “It just came out randomly. I’m sorry I burned you.”

I glanced at his side where his armor bore marks of heat and noticed Elek grin.

“Aw, you’re worried about me!”

“Of course, I am!” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “You’re my friend.”

“Friend, hm?” he echoed and I glanced at him surprised.

“Why? You didn’t know?”

“Haha,” he chuckled and then his glance hardened. “Stay back.”

I nodded my head as we walked out into another chamber, where skeletons were pacing around with buckles and rusty swords in their hands. I refused to contemplate over logicality of a skeleton knowing how and where to swing its sword even though it had no eyes. Just eyeholes.

Eyeholes. Ewww.

“Stay put, I’ll deal with them,” Elek noted and I nodded. No way I’m heading there with him. Let the big strong warrior handle this one.

“Please, please, please, keep them away from me…” I whined as I plastered myself to the wall, trying to remain invisible.

And so Elek rushed forth, cutting at the nearest skeleton and I watched him fight with slight awe. He was so fast and his sword came down precisely every single time with such force that the bones and skulls shattered into dust at the contact with the metal. I watched them silently, keeping away from all the fight. I wasn’t sure why but these skeletons just gave me the creeps. I couldn’t do anything at all. As soon as they came towards me, I would freak out and loose all my senses.

So, I merely slid along the wall towards an empty spot with no apparent danger, when some skeleton managed to notice me and it charged at me full force. I yelped and ducked, which drew more attention to me and now two more of them turned towards me.

“Gah, why oh why is this happening to me?!” I screamed as I dashed further away and the skeletons trotted after me. “No, no, no, go fight Elek, you stupid bones!!!”

“Aleta, keep calm!” Elek shouted at me as he sliced yet another skeleton. “You can do it!”

I nodded my head as I whirled around and tried to concentrate. Yes, I can do it. I can do it. Come on, Aleta, it’s just so easy. Come on, one little fireball and they’ll be gonners! Well, technically speaking, they already are, but… argh! I stretched my hand towards the moving skeletons and tried forming a ball of fire, yet, just as I was about to launch it, something grabbed my leg. I glanced down and screamed at the skeleton hand that was gripping my ankle.

“AAAAHHHHH!” I yelled as I lifted my foot and shook it fervently, trying to shake the hand off. “NO, NO, NOOOOOO!!!”

I grabbed the bony arm with my right hand and pried it off with all my strength. It shook in my hand and its bony fingers clattered as they reached for me. I threw it as far as I could and I saw it hit a random skeleton in the skull, which made it turn to me in blissful wonder. And then I screamed again as the skeletons reached me and a rusty sword whooshed at me. I ducked on pure reflex and as I came face to face with yet another skeleton, my survival instincts told me to run. And so I did. I ran without much thinking, simply dashing into any corridor, fear overtaking me completely.

“Aleta, no, wait!” I heard Elek’s voice, but it was already too late as I was running full speed, rounding another corner.


“GAH!” I ran into another skeleton and screamed, jumping away and into yet another corridor. My feet carried me away at immense speed and I ran for another few minutes until I was finally out of breath and in a completely empty and dark corridor.

I panted heavily as I leaned at the wall, sliding down it. Oh, the almighty Gods of Amyron, what did I ever do to you?.. I took a long breath to calm myself down and looked around. Oops. I was all alone in a long dark corridor. Alone.

I shot up, my eyes glancing around fervently. Which way did I come? No, no, no. This can’t be.

“Elek?..” I whispered unsurely and then called out louder. “Elek!”

My voice rebounded off the walls and echoed slightly. Oh, shit. Shit. SHIT.

“Nooooo,” I whined. “It can’t be. ELEK?! Elek!!!”

No one answered me and for a moment I panicked. I was all alone somewhere in a damn crypt with countless skeletons walking around! I am so dead now!.. I shivered and hugged myself, feeling utterly helpless. Feelings of depression and helplessness rarely came to me, but this was one of those rare cases and I slumped down, biting my lip. What was I supposed to do now? I can’t just sit here and wait for death. Elek will definitely try to find me and I should do the same. I must find my way back somehow.

I nodded my head in determination and rose up. Now then, which way?.. After a short musing I shrugged my shoulders and headed to my right, where I could see a pale light at the end of the corridor. Surely heading to the brighter side of a corridor is the correct choice, right?

Well, apparently, it is not. As I walked out into yet another wide hall, I had the feeling my entire life was made of mistakes and wrong turns. Well, looking at the bright side of it, at least it seemed like I found the epicenter of all this mess. There was some kind of a magical portal open in the middle of the hall. I could see teleportation markings painted in a perfect circle that were glowing a pale white light. And, guess what else? I could see bony skeletons wriggle out of it and trot into the hall, heading their separate ways. The hall had four exits and the skeletons were moving randomly around and towards the corridors, swinging their rusty swords and cackling their teeth. I gulped as I retreated a step backwards, my eyes taking in the view in front of me. Oh, Gods, this can’t be happening to me… A room full of skeletons?! I eyed the ones closest to me and they clattered their skulls at me, moving in.

Oh boy, oh boy…

I whirled around ready to dash for my escape, but managed to take only a mere step, as I saw another ten or fifteen skeletons moving towards me along the corridor. I screamed when the closest one swung his sword at me and instead of trying to break through I jumped backwards and dashed the other way straight into the hall with the portal. Big mistake. A really big one.

All of the skeletons turned to me immediately, their empty eyeholes digging into my flesh and I yelped.

“Ah, shit, darn it!” I shouted out as I jumped and rolled away from the attacking bones. “I don’t wanna die yet!!!”

The skeletons launched after me and with horror I realized there was an entire army of skeletons here – warriors and even archers with bows and arrows. Good thing the arrows flew past me or I would have been in serious trouble. Still, I was not so well off as everywhere I turned, there were only skeletons and swords, swishing at me. The bony enemies had no mercy and didn’t grow tired. Their rusty swords pierced through my flesh as soon as I made a halt in my running and no matter how hard I tried to evade them, it seemed like they were everywhere.

In another moment I felt cornered into the wall despite all of my attempts to fight them off. My little trustworthy dagger wasn’t helping much in this situation as it wasn’t big enough to cut through the bones and my magic failed me as I couldn’t even concentrate on it enough and half of my fireballs flew to the opposite direction due to my unexplainable fear of the stupid skeletons. I couldn’t even heal myself properly as I tried blocking the oncoming swords with my dagger and it took more strength and concentration than I ever thought it would.

Meanwhile, another skeleton came at me and I rolled away, pulling out a vial of health potion. I drank it hastily, ignoring the slightly prickly feeling as it healed my bleeding wounds.

“Ah, I can’t do this,” I grunted as I jumped into the air and somehow managed to cast a fireball at a group of skeletons. They shattered to pieces, yet their place was taken by new skeletons. “Shit, Elek, where are you when I need you?!”

I cried out as a sword pierced my side and let out a fiery flame instinctively, sending my attacker backwards and into a wall. Well, at least for once I managed to hit something.

“Damn it,” I whined as I gulped down another potion and made my way backwards. “I need to eradicate the source.”

I glanced at the portal which was the cause of all the skeletons and realized I simply could not do this… There were too many skeletons here… I was bruised and wounded and I had to be on the run constantly, which was wearing me down immensely. I was gulping down potions every five minutes and each skeleton I managed to cut down was replaced by three others. My only choice was to destroy the portal, but it was impossible if I was doing it alone. I had my hands full just trying to keep myself alive, not to mention half of my strikes missed their targets.

“I just need some help!” I screamed out in frustration. “Any help at all! I don’t care what it is!”

I kicked at my attacker and tried ducking from another one, but ended up tripping over a dead skeleton’s hand and fell down onto the ground face flat. I could hear the clattering teeth and I rolled sideways in a blind attempt to evade any attack that might come. My side hit the wall painfully and I groaned as I lifted my head up. Two skeletons were already swinging their swords down at me and I held my breath as I froze waiting for the impact.

It never came though as a blur of black whooshed in front of my eyes and surprised I watched the skeletons crumble down to the stony floor. The black shadow leapt up and forth at the next group of skeletons and I watched it whirl and twirl around them as if a snake. Every single touch of its black tips seemed to slice the skeletons in half. I gathered myself up quickly, noticing the skeletons avert their attention to the new adversary. I wasn’t sure if it was a friend or not, but I was just about to find out as the shadow in the question suddenly changed its course to make its way straight at me.

I breathed out heavily as I raised my dagger just in case, but as the big blur of black plopped down in front me and started to gain its form slowly I couldn’t help but yelp with sudden joy. The first was the head and the forelimbs and then the spikes on its long back. Its beady red eyes peered at me only momentarily and then my most beloved puppy whirled around and snarled at the oncoming skeletons. His tail whooshed up into the air and I gaped as I watched it extend and whip across half of the hall, slicing any skeleton in its way.

“To… Totto?” I whispered and the hound growled, rising its fore paw and then putting it down with a slight thud sound.

The skeletons charged at him again and I watched in awe as Totto leapt into the air easily and flew across the skeletons in a black blur.

“Someone out there really loves me,” I whispered and took out a few health potions. I downed them without any further ado and then averted my attention to the portal thingy.

The skeletons were busy with Totto and as I glanced at the huge black blur that was leaping around the hall I realized none of the bony enemies paid any attention to me. They were going after my cute puppy and so I took this moment to analyze the portal system in the middle of the room. I myself was unable to open up even the smallest of portals, but I did know how they worked. There were two kinds of portals. Ones powered by the magic of the wizard himself and the ones that were running on some kind of a magical item. The first kind was the most troublesome as to destroy it one had to either overload it with his own mana or kill the magician that created it, seeing as they rarely agreed to do it the nice way. But, lucky me, the portal was of the second kind and it didn’t take me too much time to notice a red crystal up over the portal. It seemed to be feeding power to the portal and letting the new skeletons come in.

I felt rather ashamed I didn’t notice it earlier, but I was running for my life back then, so I suppose ornaments like these didn’t really catch my eye. I grumbled slightly and glanced at Totto and the skeletons again. They seemed to be busy and no one paid any attention to me. Which was good, really good. Moving bones were still giving me the creeps and I bet I will be having nightmares for years to come!

“Alrighty, then off to work,” I said to myself determined to finish this bony army off and then wondered if it really was safe to just stroll to the portal. The skeletons kept climbing out of it one after another and I didn’t think it would be a good idea to go there so simply.

I gave it a thought and then smirked as an idea popped into my head. In another moment I was already forming a huge fireball and as soon as it was done, I leapt up on it. Recently, I had noticed that for some reason the fire didn’t burn me so easily any more. I was starting to suspect this might have something to do with my Dreamwalking and the fact that I was probably cursed by a dragon. How else would I explain my uncanny attraction to fire spells? Of course, I’ve always been good with them, but not THIS good.

I shook my head and flew up on my fireball making it hover just beside the red crystal. It was suspended up in the air and I could see red strings coming down to the ring of the portal. Those must be the channels for power. I stretched my palm, formed a medium fireball and sent it at the crystal. It merely shook slightly and I furrowed my brows as I concentrated more and began sending fireball after fireball and then simple flames or whips of fire. Every time the crystal took a blow it shook slightly and glinted less and less.

I kept attacking it from as closely as I could, making my fire hotter and hotter. The air around me was pulsating from the heat and I felt my mana deplete as I kept my unwavering attack on the crystal.

It took me five mana potions and countless fireballs, fire whips and other fire spells I knew to finally break the crystal. I even thought I won’t ever be able to shatter it, but it gave in the end. The crystal burst into the smallest specks of red that rained down on the hall. The hit wave was so strong that it pushed my backwards and I lost my balance on my fireball. I fell to the ground hard and groaned as I hit the stone floor and my fireball made contact with the wall. Well, the good news was that all the skeletons crumbled to pieces the moment the crystal was shattered. I grumbled as I got up from the ground, my wary eyes glancing around to see if there were any of those skeletons left.

Instead of those I saw a black shadow of my demon pet land just in front of me and he snarled at me as he leaned his head forth. I smiled.

“Good boy, Totto, good boy,” I reached out to him and petted his head affectionately. “You’re my best puppy, Totto. You do know that you saved my life just now, right?”

“Grrrr,” Totto growled and moved in towards me. I smiled and reached to rub his neck. He almost purred at the touch and I giggled as Totto suddenly fell on his side and rolled over to show his black velvety stomach.

I rubbed it affectionately, cooing at my pet gently and happily. I’m not sure how he ended up here, but I was immensely glad he did.

“Alright, Totto, we should head out of here somehow,” I said as I straightened my back and looked around again. “You don’t happen to know a way out, do you?”


“Yeah, like an exit,” I replied as I took in the four corridors in the hall. “Which one do you think is the right one?”

“Grrrrah,” Totto growled out and I turned to glance at him. “No, Totto, no, don’t touch those!”

The hound glanced at me questioningly, a leg bone in his teeth.

“Ah, put that down, Totto! Down,” I exclaimed as I moved towards him. “Bad bone, bad. Dirty bone.”

“Grwah,” Totto growled almost sadly as it let go of the bone and it clattered down to the ground.

“Yes, that’s right,” I nodded my head as I stepped over some bones. “Good boy, Totto. No bones, ok?”

“Grrrrr graa,” he growled disappointedly and at that moment I felt kind of guilty. He did deserve something for helping me out.

“Argh,” I sighed. “Fine, but just one, ok?”

“Grrrrrrrr!” The hound leapt up in joy and I watched him grab a big bone from I don’t even want to know where and munch on it happily.

“Yeaaah,” I mused as I stared at him amused. “I can see you love bones, huh.”

Totto merely let out an undistinguishable sound as it nibbled at the bone, holding it between his fore paws. Actually, he looked kind of cute like this.

I smiled and turned away, the problem of finding an exit coming back to my mind, yet, I didn’t get the chance to solve it. Being as clumsy as I always was, I managed to slip on something and the next thing I knew was a harsh pain somewhere in the back of my head and a very unwelcoming curtain of darkness.


I was woken up by a familiar feeling of warmth and fuzziness and as soon as I opened my eyes to a blurred view of unfamiliar area I knew I was in deep trouble. As the first dizziness passed and my vision cleared enough for me to see something else than white mist I literally gasped at the view and had a very strong urge to rub my temples if I had such, of course. I didn’t. Bubbles don’t have temples. And I was a bubble. Again.

Actually, I could understand that… I mean, I was Dreamwalking again. Dreamfloating. Dreamhanging. Whatever. But why?.. Why?

WHY was that rude Blacky here with me again?!

I stared down at the familiar black dragon that was sitting perched up on the ledge of a large cliff, overlooking a very unwelcoming view. Down on my left I could see a thick forest that stretched over until a barren wasteland. On my right the forest ended abruptly with cliffs and a deep ravine. As I glanced down at it, I realized I could not see its bottom at all. Instead, there was something like a mist gathering at it and rising up. The ravine was so wide and deep I realized only a bird could make its way through. Or a dragon. Or a flying fuzzy ball of cloud material.

Eh, whatever.

On the other side of the ravine I could see stone walls rising up with towers and behind those there was a huge castle. And yes, I was not seeing things. It was a castle. At least, that’s what I think. It was rather empty as I saw it. No life whatsoever.

“Spying on me again?”

I flinched at the voice in my head and turned to the black dragon with some difficulty. It was staring at me with its ruby eyes somewhat mockingly and suddenly I really wanted to kick his ass. His stupid big wide dragon ass.

“Is there even something to spy on?” I retorted, sarcasm seeping through my words.

“Ah, there will be,” he noted. “Soon.”

“How very precise,” I muttered smugly. “Soon.”

“Yesss,” Blacky purred as he moved his huge wings, getting more comfortable on the edge of the cliff. “I’ll call for some servants to serve in my castle and finish gathering warriors for my forces.”

“Warriors? Forces?” I echoed almost dumbly. I was loosing him.

“Why yes,” he replied. “I’ve been working on my portals for quite a while now. Should be right about time for them to open up.”

“Portals?” I whispered as something clicked in my mind. Portals. “It couldn’t be magical portals with red mana crystals feeding them by any chance?”

“Oh?” The dragon turned his head to me and his eyes glinted curiously. “Did it open already? Did my cute little friends wreck enough havoc in those peaceful towns of yours?”

“CUTE?” I exclaimed heatedly. “Well excuse me, but I don’t find a pile of moving bones CUTE!!”

“Haha,” Blacky chuckled. “So you met my skeletons.”

“Oh, YOUR SKELETONS?” I growled as I whooshed towards him angrily. “I ALMOST DIED OUT THERE!”

“Aw, I’m so sorry,” he mocked and flapped his wings, his voice turning cold at the end, “that they failed.”

“Very funny,” I retorted as I huffed and puffed in my bubbly state.

“Calm down, little one,” Blacky replied in a rather amused tone, the coldness gone from this voice already. “We dragons don’t die that easily. After all, what can a few skeletons do to us?”

“A FEW?” I exclaimed in frustration. “It was not a few! More like an army of hundreds! And for your knowledge, we humans die easily! VERY easily!”

“That’s true, so true,” the dragon mused. “Sometimes it’s not even fun to kill you. You die too quickly.”

I gaped at him flabbergasted as I wondered how I should react to this. Was he telling me he actually enjoyed killing humans and that he was the one that sent the skeletons? But… how did he open the portal? Surely someone would have noticed a huge black dragon over Trarton…

“Why…” I halted for a minute, formulating the question. “Why do you need those warriors, again?”

“Well, I’m on this little quest to annihilate all humanity in Amyron,” he replied rather amused again as if I was a naïve child who did not know even the basics. “Can’t fight a war without them, can I?”

“Oh, you’re going to a war to annihilate humanity!” I exclaimed almost enthusiastically and rolled my eyes inwardly at his plans. “Good luck with that!”

“Good luck?” The dragon cocked his head sideways almost cutely, considering its size. “You are wishing me… good luck?”

Obviously, he did not get my sarcasm. I decided to play it cool and shrug it off. Gods know what he’ll do to me if I get on his bad side. Better not mention I destroyed his skeleton portal before they got out into the city. One curse is more than enough for me. Hmm, speaking of curses. I suppose this means I will have to climb those darn Ugundi mountains, after all.

Meanwhile, the dragon stared at me silently and so intently that I just had to return his glance. Yet, as I stared back, I started feeling totally and utterly lost. Did I miss something again?..

The silence dragged on for quite a few minutes and when I couldn’t keep my curiosity in any more, I finally inquired, “Um… why so silent?”

“I am…” the dragon paused and then let out a low rumbling chuckle. It echoed across the cliffs and into the deep ravine, coming back with a thundering grumble.

“Actually,” he continued in an almost light hearted tone, “I am pondering over the possibility of you losing your brains somewhere along the way.”

I stared at him for a moment as I too pondered over such a possibility.

“I don’t think clouds or balls have any space for brains to begin with,” I finally mused. “I mean, look at me! I am a bloody ball! I don’t have anything! Just this… well, bubble.”

“Hahahhah,” Blacky laughed again. “Tanek made such a weird choice.”

I kept quiet as I contemplated on his words.

“To think he chose someone like you to be the Hero of Amyron,” he noted lightheartedly. “What a joke.”

“Hey, don’t look down on Heroes,” I scolded him half angrily. “The job is hard and the pay is small.”

“Why, yes, of course, but you get the honor and the fame.”

“Fame won’t buy me a house or a horse. Or put bread on my table,” I retorted smugly and the dragon laughed again. Seriously, am I clown now or what?

“Ah, what a queer Hero you are.”

“I’m no Hero,” I replied firmly and the dragon nodded his head.

“Indeed. A very unlikely one.”

For a moment, silence fell upon us and I decided it was a good time for a little more explanation. Now I already knew he was responsible for the mess in the crypts. Perhaps, he could tell me something else too. Something that was way more important than hidden skeletons in portals.

“So, um, anyways, why did I end up here?” I asked as I managed to float towards him. “Not like I’m not enjoying your company, I am, but you know, I just-”

“Apparently, you are not in control of your powers,” Blacky said calmly. “Therefore, you are drawn to someone of our kind.”

“Okaaay,” I mused. “I can understand that much. But why you? I mean, can’t I go to another dragon?”

“Why? You don’t like me?” he almost sounded hurt when he said that and I would have rolled my eyes if I had them.

“I’m just wondering.”

“You really know nothing, do you?” Blacky asked and I shifted in the air uncomfortably.

“What should I know?”

“Didn’t Tanek explain it to you?”

“Um, he died on me, remember?” I replied smugly and Blacky chuckled lightly. I was already getting headaches from his laughter rumbling in my head.

“How unfortunate,” he commented. “Fine, I’ll tell you this in his stead as you have amused me greatly recently.”

I decided to keep my tongue in as for once I really wanted to know what was happening and this black dragon seemed to know way more than I did.

“First, you are attracted to me because there are no other dragons in this world. You simply have no choice,” he said and I strained my brains thinking.

“No other dragons… like… none?”

“None. Except me and you, of course.”



“ME?” I echoed again. “Are you nuts? Helloooooo? I’m a human, remember?! Well, technically, I’m a ball now, but I’m human back there in Amyron!”

“Ah, but not for long,” Blacky mused and I saw him part his mouth showing rows of sharp teeth. Was he grinning? Smirking? Both?!

“What do you mean?” I exclaimed, trying my best to ignore those canines.

“Tanek gave you his powers, so, naturally, you shall assume the form of a dragon soon,” the black dragon explained and I gaped at him dazed.


“I said that you shall assume the form of a dragon soon,” he repeated if only slightly irritated and I stared at the dragon flabbergasted.

Me? A dragon? HA!

“Pfft! Bwhahahahahahahha!” I laughed out loudly and Blacky stared at me curiously as I was just having the time of my life picturing myself as one of those majestic and absolutely mental creatures.

“Aaaaah,” I let out a sigh. “That was a good one, really. Didn’t know you had it in you.”

“You are a very peculiar human,” he stated as he watched me float in front of him. “Say what; come to me, when you assume your dragon form. Forget that heroic crap Tanek had been spouting to you. We are the dragons, the true rulers of this world and humans need to be reminded of our prowess.”

“Um, sorry, but I’m human,” I repeated. “And trust me, I’m not turning into a dragon anytime soon.”

“Indeed,” Blacky hissed and I cringed back as I could almost feel sparks of his anger prickle in the air. “Your ignorance is still that of a human.”

Then, he moved his wings up and his eyes bore into mine almost mockingly, as if he knew so much more than I did, “Not for long, though. Your spirit is already a dragon one. Only the body remains.”

And with that, he flapped his wings and rose up into the air seemingly with no effort whatsoever. I whirled around trying to float after him, but my control was still as bad as the first time.

“Whoah, waaaaait!” I screamed frustrated. “Don’t just leave me here!!!”

“Until we meet again, little one,” he roared in my head sounding highly amused and I watched him fly away towards his castle slightly baffled.

In the end, this entire Dreamwalking experience was more confusing than revealing. Well, one thing is clear – I do need to find Tanek’s friend in the Ugundi Mountains. As soon as I find out how to get out of this stupid Dreamwalking state.
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Another update! Enjoy and comment! ^^