Sequel: Wicked End
Status: Finish

Until the End

Little Piece Heaven is about a girl name Rose. She grows up in her grandparent’s house with her older brother. Her father left when she was four years old, her brother was lonely eleven. She didn’t know him really well and it wasn’t hard for her as it was for her brother. When she was just seven years old her mother drop them two off at her grandparent’s house. She would talk to her mother all the time. Her brother Zacky, well he didn’t want anything to do with their mother.

When it was it was her fourteenth birthday, her mother had told her the night before that she would be there. When the day came, Rose sat by the window and waited for her mother to come. She was excited to see her and give her a hug. Her mother before then would call once a month or not at all. It was about nine a call and her grandmother told her that her mother making it. Rose was anger at her and would forgive her for not showing. The next day they had found the mother over did it on her drugs and die.

Now for Rose’s two best friends in her life. You have Stephanie but everyone calls her Steph. Steph and Rose grow up together in California, they when throw thing with each other. When Rose lost her mom, Steph was there. Steph was brought up by her grandparents as well and her aunt. When she lost her grandmother Rose was there for her. Now for her other best friend Victoria, she meet Rose in middle school. The girls grow close together and as they finish up their three week of high together. They come in across roads where they need each other the most and test the friendship.

I'm making avenged Sevenfold story, all the guys will be in, I am sorry if I dont post right away. Oh not one of the best spellers so yea =)