Status: active - slowly.<3

Baby, We'll Fade Away

The First One

I froze; my body went completely rigid with fear at the thought of my secret getting out. My eyes were slightly glazed over as I stared at Jared, shock completely painted both of our faces. We were both terrified to look towards the door; to see who had found me out. I quickly replayed the voice over and over in my mind, trying to figure out who it belonged to. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't exactly put a face to the voice.

You're gay?

Finally daring to look up, I turned my shocked blue eyes to gaze over at the doorway. A semi-tall figure stood there, mouth slightly agape, hands shoved into his skinny jean pockets. A black beanie sat atop his messy raven hair and his dark eyes were slightly wide. The boy cleared his throat, as if to speak, but no words escaped his pink lips.

I finally decided to speak, my voice slightly shaking, "Tristan?" I recalled the boy from the band Nate was in.. Behind The Brickwall, was it? "What are you.. what are you doing here?" My voice was barely a whisper; I was afraid to speak any louder.

"I.. uh, the guys told me to come get you.. uh, The Maine, All Time Low, and our band.. are all going out to Panera Bread. Kennedy told me to come get you two and drag y'all along." Tristan shrugged, removing one hand from his jean pocket to scratch the back of his neck, awkwardly. To my immense relief, he didn't mention anything about me being gay or Pat.

"Oh, okay," Jared said, casting a quick glance my way before he stood up. He bit his bit for a moment, appearing to be deep in thought about something. I'd bet that it was about me or Pat. He turned his green gaze back to Tristan before asking, "Are the guys outside waiting on us or something?"

The raven-haired boy nodded slightly. "Yeah, we all just got back from the mall a couple blocks from here. And Panera Bread is just down the street. C'mon," he motioned for us to follow him. "Let's go, before they leave us behind. Cause I know they will."

A small, semi-forced chuckle came from Jared. He nodded in understanding. "Yeah, we know. It wouldn't be the first time, anyways." With that, he stole another glance my way that plainly said 'come-on-or-else-I'll-force-you'. With a small sigh, and many a question running through my very confused brain, I followed the two boys off of our bus and out into the hot, summer air.

Sure enough, a few yards away from our bus, we saw the rest of the guys; the rest of The Maine and all the members of Behind The Brickwall and All Time Low. When we got closer to the group of boys, I noticed that John, Kennedy, and Alex Gaskarth were all in some kind of argument. Jack Barakat was also chasing around Amber from Behind The Brickwall, shouting something about demanding a Piggy-Back ride.

I giggled slightly when we finally reached the group and I could hear what the three were fighting about. "No way, man! Purple is the best color out there. It owns you and your pathetic life," Kennedy said, jokingly, to John Ohh.

John scoffed and rolled his eyes. "It's a sissy color-" he was cut off by Alex Gaskarth speaking up.

"That's probably why Kennedy likes it, then," he pointed out, smirking a little in Kennedy's direction. Kennedy just flipped him off with his left hand.

John smirked as well before continuing speaking. "Yeah. It's obvious that green is the best color ever. Idiot."

Just as Kennedy was about to retort something else back, Jared spoke up. "Hey, idiots! Are we gonna go get something to eat or not? I'm starving," the ginger-haired boy said, causing the rest of the guys to remember why they were outside in the first place.

"Oh, yeah. Let's go," Rian from All Time Low said, with everyone else nodding in agreement. All of us walked off to Panera Bread, with everyone starting up new conversations.

I stayed a little behind the group, thinking to myself. Try as I might, I couldn't help but gaze at the long-haired drummer two yards in front of me, his voice making me both sad and happy at the same time. I sighed softly, wishing everything weren't so complicated.

"Hey, Garrett." Jumping slightly at the voice next to me, I looked to my right and saw Nate keeping pace with me. A small smile was planted on his lips and his hands were shoved into his hoodie pockets.

I couldn't help but smile back; for a moment, I forgot all about Pat and my jacked up feelings. For a moment. "Hey, Nate," I greeted in return. "What's up?"

"Nothing much," he replied, rolling his eyes and shaking his hair out of his face. "Just trying to put up with these crazy idiots without going completely insane." He removed one of his hands from his pocket and gestured to the group in front of us. Jack was still running after Amber and now Zack Merrick and Avery Risch were both whining about their ever-growing hunger, though we were only a few yard from Panera Bread.

I chuckled and nodded in complete understanding. "Yeah, they're all freaks. I'm the same one in our band."

"Ha, me too," he replied, his smile still present as he gazed at me.

For the rest of the walk to and inside Panera Bread, we talked about how idiotic the people on Warped Tour were and how we were the only ones who hadn't lost their minds.
♠ ♠ ♠
ohh, by the way, if you haven't checked out Behind The Brickwall, you should. xD
They're really good, actually.

Tristan was so random. xD

oh, and this is sort of a filler. big drama coming up. and more nate for any of you team nate readers. xD