Sequel: House of Lost Minds
Status: Co-Write (Kayleigh & Caitlyn) :D Finished!

Unknown Visit

Mikey and Frank are two famous members of My Chemical Romance, but it's strange when a normal camping trip in Ireland goes wrong.

The two soon get lost, but they get lost in a small town. There are only 15 houses, a church, a market, and very few people. It's small, but the two are just glad to finally find food.

Elerna is a 16 year old girl from England. She's humorous, random, smart. She has a fiery temper, which flares over any small problem that comes her way. Elerna has long red hair, and her eyes are a deep white blue color. She's visiting a friend in Ireland when she meets someone that she believes she can spend a long time with.

Rayne is 15 and from Ireland. She has attitude, confusion, and randomness written all around her face. She has hair that's midnight black, and her eyes are a violet color. Her best English friend, Elerna, visits and she also falls for a lost visitor.

What will happen?

DISCLAIMER: Kayleigh and Caitlyn do NOT own My Chemical Romance (though they wish they did)! But Kayleigh and Caitlyn DO own Elerna and Rayne! If you got issues with this... don't read, but then you have serious issues!