Moshers in the Rain

While The Statues Crumble Aside

A little smile formed on Brody's face, as she pushed her way, yet again, through the crowd. She was enthralled by the challenges, of what seem to be.

Brody looked around, to only notice, muddy people. The music began with a slowly starting guitar solo. It progressed into, what could only be described as, "beautiful noise."

She spotted him. He was always at the shows. He was always in the mosh. He was always the one who caught Brody, in his arms. She never knew his name. But secretly wished he knew hers.

She was bewilder when he started walking towards her. With his wavy black hair, blinding his eyes. He was standing in front of her, looking nervous. Fidgeting like mad.

"Hey. I think I've seen you,at a couple of gigs. My name is Matt," Screamed Matt, over the roar of the crowd.

"Yeah. I'm Brody," Screamed Brody as Matt pushed her into the mosh pit. The beat of the music was getting faster. She was being shoved from side to side. Her head was rolling back and forth.

She turned her head to the left, to see Matt being kicked while he was on the ground. Brody could feel her adrenaline kicking in. It felt like her blood was boiling, and wanting to fight.

She ran to Matt, looking at the person who was kicking him. It was the same person who grabbed her.
"Not you." She said as punches began to fly. The first one, hit his head. The second one, hit where it hurts the most. The three one, made the other moshers aware of what was happening. The moshers began to kick the shit out of the perverted dude. The song ended.

Brody helped Matt up.
"That bastard. Honestly." Matt said as he wiped the mud from his eyes, to look at the beated dude.

"Well justice was served," Brody remarked.

"True true. "

"Hey Matt, I am gonna leave, do you want to come?" Brody said as she avoided looking in his eyes.