Status: New Story

Trashed and Scattered

Who is Zachary James Baker?

I'm Kaylee May Trousdale. I am eighteen years old and engaged. The guys that is my fiance is named Justin Ray White. We met back in middle school. Around 7th grade. We've pretty much been head-over-heels in love ever since. He proposed to me about a week ago, and we're just starting to plan our wedding.

My mother died when I was only two weeks old. I was moved from California to Oklahoma to where I was adopted. I knew she loved me from what Kim told me. Kim was my adoptive mom. Her full name was Kimberly Fae Trousdale. Her husband died when I was two years old and I personally don't know if I have a living-breathing father. I don't remember Kim's husband....basically I never had a father, because Kim never wanted to date again.

She does have a 15 year old son named Jeremy, but we aren't close at all. He does listen to a bunch of rock music and keeps to himself. I wish I could talk to him more and be a better sister but I can't. He won't really let me...He's very stubborn.

I just got back spending some time with Justin and my "mom" and "brother". I was really bored so I started to go through my room. I was looking through all my books and my bookshelf, and that's when this paper fell down. What the fuck? I picked up the paper, opened it up and started to read it.

I know I will never get to
see you grow or spend time
with you. It is cruel that I
had to leave you so early
in life, but I hope that you
are truely happy. I will
always love you, and I
hope you know that.
There is something I
need to share with you
that you probably did
not have any clue of.
You do, in fact, have
a father. The only
thing is that he does
not know about you.
When I got pregnant
with you, I was soo
scared, so I fled. I
never told your dad
or anything. I must
apologize for that,
because I'm not sure
if you lived your life
without a father
figure. I must not
tell you who he is,
but I do have a hint.
HB High Z Baker 1996. I hope
that helps and I'm
sorry that I have
no further information
or anything like that
to give you.
Love Always,
Your Mother Rachael May Scott

I sat there in shock after reading the letter that I just discovered. HB High Z Baker 1996? What did that have to do anything. I looked through some other books and I found an old yearbook. I guess it belonged to my mom. The year on the old yearbook was, indead, 1996. I scrabbled through all the photos and found my mother's picture. Wow. She was beautiful. I looked through the "B" section and came across a name. Zachary James Baker...Z BAKER!! That HAD to be it. That had to be my father. I was so shocked and excited at the same time.

I quickly got onto my computer, getting on google. I typed in his full name, but was suprised to what came up. A bunch of pictures of this guy with a guitar and a name Zacky Vengeance. Who was that? He looked sort of like the dude in the yearbook picture, except he had piercings and tatooes, plus he was older. I followed the Wikipedia link and started to read on. He was some rockstar in a metal band called Avenged Sevenfold.

I pulled up more pictures of "dad" and compared myself to them. We looked sooo much alike it scared me. We both had the same beautiful eyes, and black hair. My face was shaped like my mom's though. I had to find more information about him, so I decided to
go to my brother. It was my only hope.

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of his door. I knocked on it. Jeremy came to the door, opening it, and pulling his earphones out of his ears.

"Hey....Uh Kaylee. What do you need?" He asked, scratching his head.

"I need your help." Jeremy nodded and told me to come in. He shut the door behind me and we both took a seat on his little couch in his room.

"Whatcha need?" He asked

"Um....I found a letter my mom wrote to me. It was about my dad. I found out who he was, but I kindaaa need your help." I said nervously

"Go on" Jeremy said looking intersted

"He's from a band....Um...Sevenfold....??" I trailed off.

"Avenged Sevenfold?" Jeremy's lit up.

"Yeah..." I said.

"You're not playing with me, are you?" He asked.

"No....I need to find him." I said looking down.

"Well...." Jeremy started.

"I know where one of the other bandmates live. Me and my friends always made dares to take a trip out there to see if he really lived there...His name is Brian Haner Jr. AKA Synyster Gates...he's the other guitarist." I smiled.

"Okay....we'll leave tomorrow."