Status: New Story

Trashed and Scattered

The Past Reveals The Truth

We were sitting on the couch, getting in real depth in our conversation. I told my dad all about me and Justin meeting, and us getting married soon. We talked about his band, and Jeremy, of course, asked questions about Avenged Sevenfold. That's when I brought up my mom.

"So....what was my mother like." At that Zacky smiled and blushed.

"She was beautiful, just like yourself. God..." Zacky trailed off.

"We were just friends starting out, sort of like you and Justin, but we were friends longer than you and Justin....wayyyy longer. We both liked each other, and I would start stupid fights with her, because I was jealous of the guys she was with. In one of those fights, I manned up and told her how I feel. She was shocked at first, but she told me she felt the same, and wasn't sure how I felt. We hit it off instantly...and well, then she left."

"Oh...Do you like, still love her?" Zacky dad smiled wide at that.

" just sucks that she's dead. I at least thought she was out there." I frowned.

"Yeah...I wish she was here too. If she was, like, still alive, would you dump Gena for her?" I was so anxious.

"Actually...I would." I smiled.

"Good...because that Gena girl is a real bitch!" Dad laughed.

"Yeah..." She said nervously scratching his head.

We heard loud clanking sounds on his hardwood floor.

"Fuck you Zacky!!" Gena yelled.

"Not anymore...." He smirked.

"Go upstairs and pack your shit. I never wanna hear from you again!!" Dad yelled outraged pointing to the direction of the stairs.

"Wow..." Me and Jeremy breathed.

Just then I got a text from my mom Kim.

"Where exactly are you at? When will you be back?" I sighed and looked down at my phone.

"Me and Jeremy are in CA. I found my biological dad." I continued to listen to the coversation Jeremy and my dad were having. I gulped when I heard my phone vibrate.

"Really? Oh you think I can make a trip up there....there is something I really need to tell you....and your dad...."

"Oh....yea I guess. Hurry up."

"Um dad...." I started. Dad looked up at me.

"My foster mom, Jeremy's mom wants to make a trip up here to tell us something. She said it's very important." My dad smiled and nodded his head, a little confused.

I woke up to a light tap on the shoulder. I stretched and looked up. It was my dad.

"Um...Kim's here....We need to talk, I guess."

I smiled.


I quickly sat up, and Kim greeted me with a nice, warm hug.

"I missed you....even though you were gone for a day....It's sooo nice to see you Zacky...I haven't talked to you in years!"

Wait....Kim knew my dad?

Zacky simply nodded and smiled.

"Okay....let me start out with the whole story." Kim breathed out, as Jeremy sat next to me on my left, my dad to my right.

"So....It started freshman year...."

- - - - - - - - -
"So....All we have to do is wait a couple of minutes. It's okay Racheal." Rachael nodded.

"I'm so scared....How will I tell Zacky?"

"Hun...take a deep breath. I know Zacky, He will be there okay? Trust me, alright." Kim instructed. Rachael simply nodded her head.

3 minutes passed, and Rachael and Kim were staring at a little plus sign on the stick. Rachael started to cry and Kim opened her arms for her to cry into.

"I can't tell him!!" Rachael cried out.

"You have to....You can't get rid of this baby. I've known Zacky the day he was born. I babysat him when he was a kid. I know him and his family best. They will support you. Plus, I'm always here for you." Rachael nodded at Kim's comforting words and cried into her arms.

"Kim..." Rachael said shyly.

"Yes hun." Kim replied rubbing circles into Rachael's back.

"You're already out of college and such. Can you like, adopted my baby?" Kim nodded her head.

"I will guard your child with my life." Rachael nodded.

"Well I have to leave...right now...I can't stay here. I have grandparents in Tennesse. I'm gonna go there. Just tell Zacky that I died...and my child." Kim looked at Rachael like she was insane.

"NO! You have to tell Zack! You can't leave! I thought I was gonna adopt your kid?" Rachael nodded.

"I will call you when the baby is born." Rachael said frantically.

"What about your parents? What am I suppose to say?"

"I will leave them a note. Okay. And...And...In the note, I will say that it was a drunken one-night stand so they don't tell Zack. Okay?" Kim slowly nodded. Rachael was really stubborn, so there was no stopping what she wanted.

This is the note Rachael left for her parents.

"Mom and Dad,
I am soooo sorry for doing this
to you. I am pregnant. It was
a drunken one- night stand and
I don't know who the father is.
I know I greatly let you guys
down. I just wanted to let you
know that I love you both
dearly. I am somewhere
else in the country, and no I
won't tell you where I am at.
I am letting Kim take care of
my child though. This is the
only way I can solve my
problems. I know it's like
running away from them, but
I just can't handle it. I'm
sorry, and when the day
comes, hopefully, we will
meet again.
Rachael Mae"

9 Months Later

"I'm here!!!" Kim shouted as she ran down the hospital halls as fast as she could. She ran into the delivery room. Rachael was pushing and Kim quickly reached her hand out to her.

"Fuuuuuck!! She's coming!" Rachael yelled.

"You're doing so great! Keep pushing! She's almost here!" Kim encouraged as Rachael pushed harder, to force the newborn life out of her.

"One more push Mrs. Rachael. You're doing great!" The doctor said. Then Kim and Rachael heard cries. It was from the newborn.

Rachael layed there exhausted as the doctor's cleaned her newborn up.

"Here you go." The doctor said.

"Kim...." Rachael said faintly. Kim looked up at Rachael.

"Yeah...." Kim looked at her, smiling at the newborn.

"Can I name her?" Kim smiled.

"Of course." Rachael layed there thinking of some names.

"I really like Kaylee...Kaylee May." Rachael smiled down at her baby girl that she had to give up. Kim nodded and Rachael handed Kaylee to her.

"Bye Kales....Someday we'll meet again." Rachael kissed the top of her head, her final words said.

*End of Flashback*
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Wow...." I breathed.

"That's not the end of it, either." Kim said. Dad, Jeremy, and I looked at her confused. Kim took in a deep breath, and then let it out.

"Kales...Your mom is still alive."
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't you just love cliffhangers?